Name some common CICS service programs and explain their

Name some common CICS service programs and explain their usage?..

Answer / guest

INTERVAL CONTROL : provides time-related services ,
including services for getting the current date and time
and scheduling tasks for execution.
TASK CONTROL : can be used to control the execution of
task. provides for temprirly suspending task that is
monopolizing CICS resources or gaining exclisive control of
a CICS resource.
STORAGE CONTROL: provide for allocating main storage space
outside of the working storage area of application program.
DUMP CONTROL : produces a TRANSACTION DUMP when a fatal
error is encountered during the execution of an application
program.dump can be used to help DEBUG the program.
TRACE CONTROL : maintains a trace table table that
indicates the sequence of CICS opeartions performed . this
table can be used to help a debug a program.
TRANSIENT DATA CONTROL : provide convenient way to use
sequential files called DESTINATIONS to store data. records
written to destination r added to the end of destination.
JOURNAL CONTROL : creates a record or journal that can be
used to restore files in the event of a task or system
TERMINAL CONTROL : is CICS INTERFACE with th os termanla
control lets u send text to or receive text from the
terminal that initiated the task.
FILE CONTROL : provides the interface for VSAM FILES , when
an application program issues a file control request , file
control passes it on to VSAM , which manages the data
stored on direct access device.
file control passes data request made by a program to
VSAM . VSAM in turn manages tha data stored in files on
direct access device.

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