what is the difference between mysql_fetch_array() and

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what is the difference between mysql_fetch_array() and mysql_fetch_row()?..

Answer / guru

Mysql_fetch_array() returns row as an associative, numeric array or both based on parameters passed in it. Three types of parameters can be passed in mysql_fetch_array function.

1. MYSQL_BOTH - return both associative and numeric array
2. MYSQL_ASSOC - return associative array
3. MYSQL_NUM - return numeric array
It return row as numeric array. We can't use associative indices to retrieve data from mysql table using php.
Reference: http://www.phponwebsites.com/2014/03/php-mysql-fetch-row.html

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what is the difference between mysql_fetch_array() and mysql_fetch_row()?..

Answer / tushal burungale

fetch_array returns result in assoc array and also in
numeric array
e.g fetch_array:Array([0]=>Tushal)

mysql_fetch_row returns result in numeric array only.

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what is the difference between mysql_fetch_array() and mysql_fetch_row()?..

Answer / narasimha.p

mysql_fetch_array()works as an associative array i.e. just
use the field name specified in your database to access the
values while mysql_fetch_row() returns the value of a
single field in a particular row if you r going to specify
the array's index which starts from '0'.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

what is the difference between mysql_fetch_array() and mysql_fetch_row()?..

Answer / aditya

singsingle field in a particular row if you r going to specifyle field in a particular row if you r going to specify
is it correct answer????????????????????

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what is the difference between mysql_fetch_array() and mysql_fetch_row()?..

Answer / manikandan

mysql_fetch_array()works as an associative array i.e. just
use the field name specified in your database to access the
values while mysql_fetch_row() returns the value of a
single field in a particular row if you r going to specify
the array's index which starts from '0'.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 6 No

what is the difference between mysql_fetch_array() and mysql_fetch_row()?..

Answer / jemit p jose

mysql_fetch_row() for select aggragate data or single data
eg:select count(*) from TableName

mysql_fetch_array() for retrive more data from Table

Is This Answer Correct ?    42 Yes 53 No

what is the difference between mysql_fetch_array() and mysql_fetch_row()?..

Answer / srinivas1982

Wrong mysql_fetch_row retrives a single row or record from a
table and mysql_fetch_array returns all rows and result into
an array this array is both numeric and associative.

mysql_fetch_row has single row.
where as mysql_fetch_array has multiple rows.

Is This Answer Correct ?    25 Yes 42 No

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