diff between forms authentication and windows

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diff between forms authentication and windows authentication?..

Answer / anna

forms authentication is used for internet and intranet
based applications.
and windows authentication is the default authentication
provided by the .NET framework.

Is This Answer Correct ?    49 Yes 12 No

diff between forms authentication and windows authentication?..

Answer / pankaj lohani

Windows Authentication - This is provided so that web pages
can make use of the local Windows User and Groups.

Forms Authentication - This is a cookie based authentication
system where the username and passport is stored in a text
file or a database. We will be focusing on this
authentication model in this tutorial.

Is This Answer Correct ?    41 Yes 9 No

diff between forms authentication and windows authentication?..

Answer / kavitha

form authentication- user can able to create their own
login name and password it is basically a cookie based
authentication system which stores the login name and
password in database file.

windows authentication. - windows actual login name and
password is used for authentication.
web pages can make use of the local Windows User and Groups.

Is This Answer Correct ?    36 Yes 6 No

diff between forms authentication and windows authentication?..

Answer / mahesh babu ummaneni

main difference between the forms authentication and windows authentication is windows authentication is run under the iis but forms authentications is run user manually

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 2 No

diff between forms authentication and windows authentication?..

Answer / jyoti

Form authentication-It is use for both intranet as well as
for internet,but window authentication is only for
intranet.In form authentication password stored in config
file but in window it stored in system database.In form
authentication we can not have roles,but In form
authentication we can define roles(like hr role where any
no of user ccan come under).

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 2 No

diff between forms authentication and windows authentication?..

Answer / braham dutt sharma

windows authentication. - windows actual login name and
password is used for authentication.
web pages can make use of the local Windows User and Groups.

Forms Authentication - This is a cookie based authentication
system where the username and passport is stored in a text
file or a database. We will be focusing on this
authentication model in this tutorial.

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 5 No

diff between forms authentication and windows authentication?..

Answer / mallikarjun.b.a

Form authentication is based on cookies,and it used
internet and interanet bur windowas authentication it is
used only internar, form authentication password stored in
config file,windows authentication password stored in
system database.

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 1 No

diff between forms authentication and windows authentication?..

Answer / pankaj lohani

web.config file
The web.config file is an XML based configuration file which
exists for every web application. The web.config file
typical resides in the application root directory although
it is possible to have multiple web.config files. If there
is another web.config file placed in a directory below the
application root, it will use those setting instead. The
web.config file is where you will tell a web application to
use either of the three types of autentication types.

Here we show you a basic example of what a web.config file
looks like when it has be set to use form authentication. I
will go in further detail and explain the tags.

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="login.aspx" protection="All"
<credentials passwordFormat="Clear">
<user name="devhood" password="password"/>
<user name="someguy" password="password"/>
<allow users="*" />

<location path="admin/">
<allow users="devhood" />
<deny users="someguy" />
<location path="usersonly/">
<deny users="?" />
<location path="public/">
<allow users="*" />

The first tag in the web.config file is the <configuration>
tag. It is the base tag for the web.config file and will
contain all your configuration settings in here. The first
<system.web> tag specifies the settings that will apply to
all the file in the same directory and the files below this

Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 12 No

diff between forms authentication and windows authentication?..

Answer / sangavi p

Forms Authentication:
when an unauthorized user request a page, the user
will redirect to the login page. from here,either a current
user can login or new user can click the link to create an
account. without a valid user name and password, the visitor
can't browse any secured areas of the site.
Windows Authentication:
It is implemented by IIS and keeps the security
mechanisms separate fr om the developing the Intranet. if
the user is authenticated with valid domain account, they
can access the site without any interruption. this method of
authentication is set up via the IIS Management console.

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 5 No

diff between forms authentication and windows authentication?..

Answer / vidhya

ASP.NET has ways to Authenticate a user: 
1) Forms Authentication 
2) Windows Authentication 

Windows Authentication provider is the default authentication provider for ASP.NET applications. When a user using this authentication logs in to an application, the credentials are matched with the Windows domain through IIS. 

There are 4 types of Windows Authentication methods: 
1) Anonymous Authentication - IIS allows any user 
2) Basic Authentication - A windows username and password has to be sent across the network (in plain text format, hence not very secure). 
3) Digest Authentication - Same as Basic Authentication, but the credentials are encrypted. Works only on IE 5 or above 
4) Integrated Windows Authentication - Relies on Kerberos technology, with strong credential encryption 

Forms Authentication - This authentication relies on code written by a developer, where credentials are matched against a database. Credentials are entered on web forms, and are matched with the database table that contains the user information. 

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

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