Can we run the Qtp Scripts in Load Runner?

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Can we run the Qtp Scripts in Load Runner?..

Answer / ajay

yes we can the qtp scripts in loadrunner

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Can we run the Qtp Scripts in Load Runner?..

Answer / satish

yes,we can run qtp script from LR (provided both qtp and LR
should be installed on same PC)

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Can we run the Qtp Scripts in Load Runner?..

Answer / dillesh

Yes, we can run QTP Scripts in LR

Before executing the scripts we need to write little bit
code in QTP:
We have to define the transaction marker using:

Services.StartTransaction “TranName "

Services.EndTransaction “TranName "

then LoadRunner will interpreter and capture the response
How to execute QTP script from LoadRunner?
I recorded simple QTP script - it just opens Google
performs search, then it clicks 'Next' button, and closes

QTP script is quite clear, I hope :)

But I faced the questions:
• Should QTP be installed or not?
• Can several QTP scripts be executed simultaneously
on one computer?
• Is it required special license for QTP and/or
• How to do that - how to execute QTP script from
• and others questions...
It's OK :) I will share my experience and help you to
answer these questions!
Let's sort them out one after another...
1. Should QTP be installed or not?
The answer is 'Yes'.

If you plan to execute QTP scripts, QTP should be installed
on Load Generator computer (or computers, if you to execute
several concurrent QTP scripts).

I tried to execute QTP script on computer, where QTP was
not installed, and I got this error:

2. Can several QTP scripts be executed simultaneously
on one computer?
Actually, answer is 'Yes and No' :)
I will explain...

How does QTP work? It takes full control on GUI desktop of
computer. Each computer has one desktop only.
That's why there is a limitation: you can run one QTP
script per computer!

Certainly, I tried to execute two QTP scripts on one Load
Generator. One user passed successfully and second
generated the error:

That means that limitation (one QTP script per computer)

But you can evade this restriction - use Terminal server or
Citrix server. They allow creating several virtual
desktops. And you will be able to execute several QTP
scripts on one physical computer.

I think, I explained my answer 'Yes and No' to above
question :)
3. Is it required special license for QTP and/or
o To run QTP script itself you have to have QTP
license - seat or concurrent license.
o To run QTP script from LoadRunner you have to
have "GUI" Vuser LoadRunner license.

Since you have both QTP and LoadRunner licenses, its
expensive enough to run QTP scripts from LoadRunner.

Note: Each QTP instance should have its license. If you use
concurrent licenses and plan execute 10 QTP scripts, then
each Quick Test will require license - You should provide
10 seat or concurrent licenses.
I think, it is logical.
4. How to do that - how to execute QTP script from
Yeah! The most interested question :)

The steps are:
1. Record and save QTP script.
You saw my recorded simple QTP script. I named it as 'QTP-
2. Start LoadRunner Controller.
Note, that QTP scripts can be executed in LoadRunner
Controller. You cannot use LoadRunner Generator to run or
debug QTP script.
3. Select 'New Scenario...'.
'New Scenario' dlg will be opened. Do not forget to
select 'Quick Test Tests' from combo box:

4. Open QTP script.
Note, that 'Quantity' field will contain value '1', i.e.
one user will be run:

That's funny, LoadRunner set correct 'Quantity' value in
Scenario Groups settings, but it forgot to set correct
values in Scenario Schedule section:

It seems like a small bug :)
5. Execute scenario.
You will find that your QTP script works - it will be
starting a browser, performing search, clicking 'Next' btn
and closing browser during 5 minutes (default time from
Global Schedule settings)

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 1 No

Can we run the Qtp Scripts in Load Runner?..

Answer / uday

yes, we can the QTP scripts in LoadRunner

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

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