If we write a script in the expert view how are the objects
created in the object repository?
to be clear i will explain my problem
first i have recorded the mercurytours application by
providing the link www.mercurytours.com and all the objects
are stored in the object repository ok this is fine. but i
have copied the script generated in the above processes and
pasted in a new test and tried to run that script but as
the objects were not stored in the object repository it
showed an error (The "Welcome: Mercury Tours" object was
not found in the Object Repository.
Check the Object Repository to confirm that the object
exists or to find the correct name for the object).so how
can i overcome that error

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If we write a script in the expert view how are the objects created in the object repository? to..

Answer / arunsingh

After pasting the script in new test, just load the object
repository of that script into new test. Then Run.

For loading the OR into new test,
First you have to save the OR in previous test.
Then In new test goto test-settings-ResourceTab-select
Shared radio button and browse the OR(Previously saved)and
select set as defauly-apply-OK..

You will get the results.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

If we write a script in the expert view how are the objects created in the object repository? to..

Answer / ganesh kumar

When u Record ur test in QTP. The Objects are stored in
the repository as Pre-action mode.So first u have to save
the repository as shared Repository in a common location.
Then when u copy the script and paste in the new test. u
have to associate the shared repository into that test.
Then ur script refer the objects from the shared repository.
To share ur local(peraction) repository go to resourse menu
in the menu tab and click the object repository menu. ther
u can find the export the Local menu. once u click the
menu. the tool will ask for saving the repo in the common

Pls mail me if u have any queries.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

If we write a script in the expert view how are the objects created in the object repository? to..

Answer / sreekanth

For QTP,Object Repository is just like a Brain of Human.
It acts as a memory for QTP.
so if memory is empty means it can do any thing.

So If QTP has to test on any object means ,those objects
should be identified by QTP & Should get stored in Object

If u record any Operation on any objects of
appl,automatically script will be generated Parallelly
objects also will be stored in Object Repository.

One way is there in which we can write the script directly
without having Objects in Object Repository & run the
script --- i.e Descriptive Programming.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

If we write a script in the expert view how are the objects created in the object repository? to..

Answer / chandana

Hi sreekanth,

hear object repository is not empty,even though if we
took new test what ever objects r object repository will
not remove until unless u could not deleted.

i think when the script in run time the application is
in disable condistion, when the application calls in run
time test will run sucessfuly.

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If we write a script in the expert view how are the objects created in the object repository? to..

Answer / purni

In the expert view script will describe the action we
perform. To perform that action it should have that
particular object in the object repository. So before
scripting in the expert view what u should do is go to
active screen and highlight the object and right click and
select view/add to object repository. In the object
repository property window it will show its logical name
and class highlighted and click ok. This will add object to
the object repository.

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If we write a script in the expert view how are the objects created in the object repository? to..

Answer / baji prasad ch

Hi Ss,

First we have to add all the objects of the application to
the objects repository by manually and then only we have to
write the test script and will run.

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