Definition of Object Oriented Programming in single line?

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Definition of Object Oriented Programming in single line?..

Answer / nikhil surathkal

Object Oriented Programming is a method of programming
based on hierarchie of classes and well defined and
cooperating objects.

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Definition of Object Oriented Programming in single line?..

Answer / ajay

Object oriented programming is way to design real world
application with the help of objects.

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Definition of Object Oriented Programming in single line?..

Answer / veera brahmam m

An Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming
language model organized around "objects" rather
than "actions" and data rather than logic. Historically, a
program has been viewed as a logical procedure that takes
input data, processes it, and produces output data.

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Definition of Object Oriented Programming in single line?..

Answer / nirmala

it is a programming paradiam which is used a object

Is This Answer Correct ?    19 Yes 17 No

Definition of Object Oriented Programming in single line?..

Answer / bhawani shankar tripathi

Object oriented progranning is a type of methodology used
for building software applications,it consist of
classes,object,and methods.

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Definition of Object Oriented Programming in single line?..

Answer / rampal singh

object-oriented progrmming is an approch that provide a way
of modularizing program by creating partitioned memory area
for both data and function that can be used as templete for
creating copies of such moduals on demand

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Definition of Object Oriented Programming in single line?..

Answer / santosh

OOPS is the language use to write a real world software
which binds the data and associated funtions together.

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Definition of Object Oriented Programming in single line?..

Answer / manoj

OOPs is a Programming Model in which everything in real
world is consider as Objects

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Definition of Object Oriented Programming in single line?..

Answer / rampal singh

In Object Oriented Programming, a class defines a type of

An object doesn't exist until an instance of the class has
been created; the class is just a definition. When the
object is physically created, space for that object is
allocated in RAM. It is possible to have multiple objects
created from one class.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

Definition of Object Oriented Programming in single line?..

Answer / shailesh shrivastava

OOPS is a collection of concepts or a technique that helps
to develop well define application .

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