how will load the object during runtime?

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Hi, Can anyone write the following qtp script...please its urgent ·Navigate to Google in a new IE instance ·Search for the following word "Gap, Inc." ·Iterate thought the first 10 pages of google ·On each page collect the following ·The "blue" page title ·The "green" url ·Output all the data into a file named "test_output.txt" ·Format "Title – URL"

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I need Major Help with a Script I recorded in QTP 9.5. I am recording scripts for a Web-based application(s) I have all the URLs for each application in Excel spreadhsheet so that QTP can pull that particular application from the spreadsheet and run it. The problem is QTP isn't recognizing one particular URL so when I hit run in QTP to run this script it opens the internet Explorer but isn't open the URL I have in the Excel spreadsheet. I've retyped the URL and still QTP won't open this Particular one for some reason. The site its self is working fine but for whatever reason QTP won't open it. How do I resolve this? I have a deadline of next Friday the 7th to complete this task so please help me in any way you can. Thanks in advance

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hi, i am trying to capture "web element" names in a web page, and i written the code like this,, with Browser("title:=") with .page("") .webelement("htmltag:=...").getroproperty("innertext") end with end with //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QTP RETURN ERROR like this: " object's description matches more than one of the objects currently displayed in your application. Add additional properties to the object description in order to uniquely identify the object" ok fine , i need to search another property other than "index" i use all the properties like class,text,innerhtml,innertext,visible=true,x , y,abs x ,abs y...but qtp returns error ..... in this webpage index is difficult to find? how to solve

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How to Identify broken links in QTP

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