How to write TSL for exception handling
which option in WR executes the script line by line
wahat do u mean by exceptional handling in winrunner
How do you unload the GUI map?
two file is there how will compate it by useing qtp.
can we write exception handlers (object,tsl,pop-up) programatically then how should we insert this in the script?
Suppose there is a global variable called Counter.And there is a user defined function called my_function.which does not take in any parameters. How can a test engineer utilize Counter inside my_function body?
What is the difference between a Defect & an Error?
what load_dll in winrunner
What is context sensitive Recording?
What is the purpose of regexp_msw_class property?
What is toogle breakpoints? How does it differ from break points?
What is the purpose of different record methods?