what is meant by virtual users.what is the purpose of it.

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what is meant by virtual users.what is the purpose of it...

Answer / sailaja

virtual user is a simulation of real user. it is generated
by virtual user generator, a component in LR. using load
runner we can create min of 9999 vusers

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what is meant by virtual users.what is the purpose of it...

Answer / uday

We use Virtual User concepts in LoadRunner(LR). In LR we
create Scripts for one user. Now we create as many VUsers
as we want through LR. Once we create the VUsers, LR
performs the actions with the number of VUsers we created
and measures the performance.

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 6 No

what is meant by virtual users.what is the purpose of it...

Answer / karthik

Befor knowing What V users are we should think why to have
V users and appreciate its function. While testing an
application with 50 people simultaneously login the
application, Its highly impossible that every one logs in
at the same point of time. Thats y v use V users.Here V
stands for Virtual....

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 6 No

what is meant by virtual users.what is the purpose of it...

Answer / shirisha and sowmya and tejasw

vusers are the imaginary users where we create single
script and can create any number users. That is replacing
human users with virtual users. For example, if we want to
test an application with 1000 users then we cannot bring
all the users to test the application so, in that case we
can create virtual users inorder to test our application.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 3 No

what is meant by virtual users.what is the purpose of it...

Answer / amar jeet sahu

As the word clarify it's meaning, these are the users
created by script-functions in load runner in order to
perform the load testing of the application. It is not
possible to simultaneous login of the large numbers of
users by a group of testers at the time of testing and we
have to check the load for 100 or 1000 or more users(which
is the actual scenario). So, in this case the VIRTUAL USER
concept is used.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 5 No

what is meant by virtual users.what is the purpose of it...

Answer / sowmya

In load runner we create a script for one user and create
no of vusers.To replace human users we create vusers.
If a web application is used by 1000 people at a time and
we have to test the application then we cannt bring 1000
testers to test the app.Instead of that we use the concept
of vusers.

Correct me if i am wrong

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 4 No

what is meant by virtual users.what is the purpose of it...

Answer / meenu

Load runner replaces human users with yirtual users or
(1) with increasing the number of vusers we increase the
load oon the system
(2)Example: we can observe how a server behaves when
hundered of Vusers simultaneously withdraw cash from the

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 4 No

what is meant by virtual users.what is the purpose of it...

Answer / kalpana

loadRunner replace the human user with Vuser

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 4 No

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