what is the difference between onshore and offshore company

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what is the difference between onshore and offshore company..

Answer / darshan

onshore means the exploration of oil or gas on the land.and
offshore means the exploration of oil or gas in the sea.

Is This Answer Correct ?    432 Yes 64 No

what is the difference between onshore and offshore company..

Answer / rupali.a.lad

1)Offshore means drilling rigs & platforms process for
crude oils in Deep Sea.

2)Onshore means work of oil & gas industries.(outside sea
or on land).

Is This Answer Correct ?    183 Yes 45 No

what is the difference between onshore and offshore company..

Answer / aditya ajgaonkar

Onshore drilling is land drilling: wells typically take
days to drill -- maybe 30 days, maybe 45 days, depending on
desired depth, and rigs are contracted in days, as opposed
to months and years for offshore drilling.

Offshore drilling can be deepwater (technically defined as
water deeper than 650 feet, or 200 meters) or shallow water
(water as shallow as 20 feet or as deep as 200 feet).
Drilling offshore in deepwater takes the most
technologically advanced rigs and experienced workers.
Dayrates for offshore rigs start in the midteens and can
run over $200,000 per day, depending on the rig and the
location of the drilling project.

Is This Answer Correct ?    114 Yes 28 No

what is the difference between onshore and offshore company..

Answer / keshab kumar singh

OnSite Means , Person siting at Client Side for AMC ,
Offshore Means Person Sitting In Company

Like Company is locating in Chennai and Client in delhi

Delhi Location is On site
Chennai Office Is Offshore

Is This Answer Correct ?    172 Yes 142 No

what is the difference between onshore and offshore company..

Answer / ganesh

Above a few examples consideration of fuel and gas but in it

onshore(onsite) means client location
developer working on client location
ex: Mumbai

offshore: means in our company location
customer for client.


hyderabad is customer for mumbai

Is This Answer Correct ?    42 Yes 13 No

what is the difference between onshore and offshore company..

Answer / joy

onshore means the exploration of oil or gas on the land.

offshore means the exploration of oil or gas in the sea.

Is This Answer Correct ?    35 Yes 9 No

what is the difference between onshore and offshore company..

Answer / max

Guys i think this questions was asked in regards to IT
Sector ,But last two answers explained the terminlogy
considering Oil & Gas Sector.If it is regads to IT Sector
than Ans 1 is correct.

Is This Answer Correct ?    54 Yes 37 No

what is the difference between onshore and offshore company..

Answer / anupam

Offshore refers to a foreign locale that is far away in
distance and, more importantly, far apart in time from your
primary location.
Nearshore also refers to a foreign locale but one that’s
much closer to you.
Onshore is a locale in the same country as yours.

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 3 No

what is the difference between onshore and offshore company..

Answer / amit sharma

Onshore means on dry land. Offshore means out in the water.
Offshore drilling is out in the water, like in the Gulf of
Mexico. Onshore drilling means on land, like in Wyoming and

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 0 No

what is the difference between onshore and offshore company..

Answer / subhradeep kalita

On-shore and Off-Shore are the terms generally used for the
Oil &Gas sector, Pipeline projects etc.

Whereas Onsite & Offsite are the terms used in the context
of projects related to IT.

So the answers above are relevant if seen in accordance
with the sectors.

Is This Answer Correct ?    21 Yes 16 No

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