What is Defect Leakage? and explain with example?

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What is Defect Leakage? and explain with example? ..

Answer / sampath

The defect or issue or bug filed by the end user or
customer that is missed by the QA eng while testing the
application is called defect leakage.

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What is Defect Leakage? and explain with example? ..

Answer / ramprasad.s

Defect leaks out from the Tester or Testing team and is
identified by the End user while executing the application,
we call it as defect leakage.

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What is Defect Leakage? and explain with example? ..

Answer / balamurali

Defects missed from one leval of testing to next leval of
testing is called defect leakage.

Unit leval-> Component leval ->Integration leval -> System
leval -> Customer leval -> End user leval

Formula any leval
Defect leakage = (No of defects found on the current
leval/Total defects including the previous levals) *100

Example : System leval defects found is 45 and the total
defects thats include Unit leval -> Component leval -
>Integration leval -> System leval = 400

Then Defect leakage = (45/400)100 =11.25 percentage

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What is Defect Leakage? and explain with example? ..

Answer / athar

Defect leakage: The product delivered in client environment after that defect identified by client or end use and we gets the feedback is called defect leakage. This Defect Leakage is also called as Bug Leak.

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