It seems Interview questions from Ordain Solutions are
almost BASIC LEVEL-Easy.
I am asking one tough question..(I think.. May be easy for
some people)
In recorded script the - WebLink("cityinfo")
In reality, the WebLink name is "generalinfo"
How you can write function to click that changed web link.
NOTE: This functin should work with any Dynamic text link.
I will post the answer later.

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It seems Interview questions from Ordain Solutions are almost BASIC LEVEL-Easy. I am asking one ..

Answer / supratik

We can write a funtion to get the value of all the links
run time. compare with the one needed and click on it

Set linka= description.Create()
set b=browser().Page().ChildObjects(linka)
For i = 1 to z-1
If b(0).getroproperty("name")="LINK NEEDED" then
end if


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It seems Interview questions from Ordain Solutions are almost BASIC LEVEL-Easy. I am asking one ..

Answer / patil

I couldnot understand the answer so that I couldnot tell
yours is right or wrong.
But,in no way we can use the Regular expressions to do this.
any another answer...

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It seems Interview questions from Ordain Solutions are almost BASIC LEVEL-Easy. I am asking one ..

Answer / nanda.d

Hi Patil...i didnt get answer till now. pls send me that
answer as possible. it was asked by interviewer. pls dont

thanks in advance.....

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It seems Interview questions from Ordain Solutions are almost BASIC LEVEL-Easy. I am asking one ..

Answer / kuldeep sharma

identify these objects by OR manager and see what are the
basic and unique property this link having and use
discreptive scripting with this property
for example:-weblink("text:=cityinfo")

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It seems Interview questions from Ordain Solutions are almost BASIC LEVEL-Easy. I am asking one ..

Answer / naren

1. First get the Name of the weblink using getROProperty
during run time and store the value into a variable.
2. Compare the weblink name with the value stored in the
variable using IF condition
3. If true pass the variable value to weblink using
setToProperty and click the weblink

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It seems Interview questions from Ordain Solutions are almost BASIC LEVEL-Easy. I am asking one ..

Answer / ashish wadhwa

Suppose the Browser name is "A" and the Page name is "B"
and say we have to pass any object whose name has been
changed. So, this object can be used as an argument in the
application along with the mandatory property "html tag".
Here as an example say the object name is "C". Note, this
object should be added in the object repository with its
name property as ".*" So, the function will be
Function clickItem(itemName,HTMLTag)
("name"), itemName
tag"), HTMLTag
End Function

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It seems Interview questions from Ordain Solutions are almost BASIC LEVEL-Easy. I am asking one ..

Answer / satish j

You can use regular expression to handle this.
so if the value of the name changes at run time it hardly
matters for QTP ,but if there are multiple links on apage
which typically is the case using only RE will not work as
object identification will be an issue. so along with this
provide assistive properties like html - tag, or alt
property,whcih are unique to the object so if recognition
becomes a problem it can be handled.

you can use the description object.
set weblinkrec = description.create
weblinkrec("name").value = ".*"
weblinkrec("htmltag").value = "xyz"
and then use

But always use smart identification where ever it is needed
as it slows down the execution of the script, typically when
there are same objects having conflicting properties.

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It seems Interview questions from Ordain Solutions are almost BASIC LEVEL-Easy. I am asking one ..

Answer / nanda


by using resuler expression...we can solve this.

here we group the different expressions..

the solution is [a-b]*

please ping me if i am wrong...



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