how to select the work for complete automation and one more
thing when u are going to choose automation

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how to select the work for complete automation and one more thing when u are going to choose automa..

Answer / j. sambasivarao

The tests, which have to be tested more than one time or
repeatedly for many times with valid and invalid test data,
then we have to go for test automation on these tests to
assess consistency of that particular function in that
particular application.

If I am wrong, please let me know

J. Sambasivarao

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how to select the work for complete automation and one more thing when u are going to choose automa..

Answer / anonymous

If it is automatable, then go for auto. Means, If there are
things, which we have to/can test repeatedly with different
values, then go for auto. Once the appli became stable then
go for auto. While regression also. First Manul.t should be
completed on the appli.
Generally, large web applications are the best candidates
for auto. If it is Insurance, Banking, Finance application,
then it best suits for auto process.
Post your opinions on this -whether this is understandable
or not.

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how to select the work for complete automation and one more thing when u are going to choose automa..

Answer / hari krishna.y

The work depends upon the Test Lead:
1.He will consider the +ve and -ve flows of the application.
2.When the application comes to a stable state then automation
will be continued.
3.If at all the application is continuously changing then automation is very useful(Regression Testing).
4.If we want to check with multiple user names and password with valid and invalid outputs then automation is very useful (Re Testing).

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