Can a table have two primary keys?

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Can a table have two primary keys?..

Answer / ramireddy

No, A table having only one primary key.
If you declare as Primary
key(<column_name>,<column_name>,<column_name>) for any
table. This type key is called as composite key.

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Can a table have two primary keys?..

Answer / hari

no. a table can have only one primary key.some times table
can use composite primary key

ex create table std
(stdid bigint(10) not null,
e mailid varchar(20) not null);
primary key(stdid,e mailid)

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Can a table have two primary keys?..

Answer / chandu

We can create only one Primary kay in a table but it can
have multiple columns, of them we only choose 1 column as
identifiable column called primary key and the other columns
are called candidate key(s).

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Can a table have two primary keys?..

Answer / abdul kuddus

Yes, A table can have maximum 16primary key columns in a table

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Can a table have two primary keys?..

Answer / venkatesh

No,why because in one table in one primary can use two primary key in a table that type of key is composite primary key.

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Can a table have two primary keys?..

Answer / sruthi

yes table can contain one or more than one primary keys
but only one is considered as a primary key .

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Can a table have two primary keys?..

Answer / anup ghosh

hi gyes please removw who have writen wrong ans. One table
can have only one primary key other wise it is not a good
database design.also my knowledge says that only one tabl;e
can have only one promary key........

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Can a table have two primary keys?..

Answer / biju

Perfect answer Mr. Satish Reddy. Appreciated

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Can a table have two primary keys?..

Answer / subbu

Well the question is

Can a table have two primary keys?

Practically Yes.

But theoritically there will be only 1 primary key with
multiple foriegn keys which acts as a composite keys for the
original primary key. How ever in the create or alter
statements, we need to write primary key only once following
the column names either single or multiple.

By seeing the posts, I believe some of the guys has got
confused with the question & compared it with the SQL create
statements where in Primary Key is written only once & by
which concluding that a table cannot have multiple primary keys.

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Can a table have two primary keys?..

Answer / kumar navdeep shanker

Ya, it is possible..
try with this Query..
create table cust11
cno int not null,
balance int not null,
cname varchar(10),
CONSTRAINT cust primary key (

If there is any Problem.. plz reply

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