In a grass field, If there are 40 cows, they could eat for
40 days. If there are 30 cows, they could eat for 60 days.
Than if 20 cows, How much day they could eat?
a) 60 b) 80 c)55 d)50

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In a grass field, If there are 40 cows, they could eat for 40 days. If there are 30 cows, they cou..

Answer / lavanya


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In a grass field, If there are 40 cows, they could eat for 40 days. If there are 30 cows, they cou..

Answer / tam

the ratio is coming
so the ans is 80

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

In a grass field, If there are 40 cows, they could eat for 40 days. If there are 30 cows, they cou..

Answer / praveen

let c be the quantity eaten by each cow per one day...

let g be the grass quantity...

then from the first statemet 40*(c)*40=g

then c = g/(1600)

now consider 20 cows...each day they will take 20*(c)grass

i.e., 20*(g/1600)=g/80...

=> each day they complete g/80th part.

therefore they can complete in 80 days...

now come to the second statement...

for 30 cows...30(g/1600)...t.e., they can complete in
160/3 days second statement is wrong...

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 2 No

In a grass field, If there are 40 cows, they could eat for 40 days. If there are 30 cows, they cou..

Answer / vishal pitaliya

as the no cows are decreasing no of days will increase

so ans would be 80

20--80 (b)ans

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

In a grass field, If there are 40 cows, they could eat for 40 days. If there are 30 cows, they cou..

Answer / surya teja challapalli

No of days is inversely proportional to no of cows.
Here no of cows is decresing by 10,no of days increasing by
No of days taken by 20 cows to eat the grass=80.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

In a grass field, If there are 40 cows, they could eat for 40 days. If there are 30 cows, they cou..

Answer / priya


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In a grass field, If there are 40 cows, they could eat for 40 days. If there are 30 cows, they cou..

Answer / guest

b) 80

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In a grass field, If there are 40 cows, they could eat for 40 days. If there are 30 cows, they cou..

Answer / unnikrishnan


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In a grass field, If there are 40 cows, they could eat for 40 days. If there are 30 cows, they cou..

Answer / gopi nathan


Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 2 No

In a grass field, If there are 40 cows, they could eat for 40 days. If there are 30 cows, they cou..

Answer / sajish kumar


Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

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