IF application is a Java-based application means 2 0r 3
tier application. How the script will be in QTP. pls kindly
give some sample script.
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VBScript is scripting language which is used by QTP. QTP
supports no.of environments. Initially we have to check
particular addin and enter. QTP prepares methods for that
environment in background and it identify the object and
generates steps with that methods.
for Java application, we have to install java addin and
check java addin before we start scripting.
QTP will record script in the form of
if you wanna write scripts in descriptive you can go like this
you can use collection object
dim window
set window=description.create()
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Answer / venu
Hi there,
I was with a concept that the application technology is
independent of QTP script. (I mean the Script will always
be a VB based in QTP. And for Java based application we
need to have a JAVA addin)
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
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Answer / sudeepthz
Hi i think that the QTP script will be the same. we use the
VB script in QTP. and the format would be the same.. The
QTp will identify the objects with obj Properties.. or we
will do discriptive programming..
I think Vijayendra Reddy is correct. Its a question to the
script for Windows Application...
Correct if I am Wrong
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Answer / bfakruddin
Whether it may be 2 tier/3tier/n tier architecture....
nothing will be different, the script would be in VBScript.
according to the environment,application the methods will
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / vijayendra reddy (codon softwa
we will write script in 2ways.
1.by using properties collections
2.by using Description.create
("attachedtext:=username").set "xxxx"
("attachedtext:=password").set "yyyy"
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