what is SDLC? what are the different stages in SDLC?

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what is SDLC? what are the different stages in SDLC?..

Answer / purush

Define Project:
A Project is temporary state of work. It is temporary in nature. Each and every project will have a start and end. It also has two outcomes one is success and the other one is failure.
Lets take an example "watching a movie in cinema" is our project.
Planned to book the tickets, started from home and watching movie in cinema is the start of our project.
Watched movie successfully and reached home safely is the end of our project.
Once he/she watched the movie successfully.
If he/she did not watch the movie.
Risk Analysis:
Every project might have a risk. We have to do work arounds to solve those kinds of risk. Those work arounds also called as mitigation.
Lets go back to our example, here there might some kinds of risk can happen before and during the project.
Risk Before the project:
There might be some kinds of risk can happen before the project.
Those kinds of risk are
1. There might be raining when you want to start from your home or
2. Your father might be stopped you to go to cinema
Risk during the project:
There might be some kinds of risk can happen during the project too. Remember here our project is "watching a movie in cinema"
Those kinds of risk are
1. You might get a call during the movie or
2. Your child might be crying
SDLC is a structure imposed on the development of a software product. It may vary from project to project. Here we have the common structure that might come in a project.
Phases of SDLC:
SDLC abbrevated as software development life cycle.
It includes various things like
1. Project Goal Definition
2. Requirement Analysis
a. High Level Requirements
b. Low Level Requirements
3. Planning
4. Design
5. Development
6. Implementation
7. Testing
8. Production
9. Maintenance
Lets see explanation of above with the example our project called "watching a movie in cinema"
Project Goal Definition:
Project Goal provide the overall context for what the project is trying to accomplish. Every project will have a goal.
Here the goal of our project is "Watching a movie in cinema".
Requirement Analysis:
Requirement analysis defines collect client requirements and analyse it.
It can be treated as
a. High Level Requiements
b. Low Level Requiements
High Level Requiements
High level requirements defines the specific thing.
In our project watching a movie in cinema is a specific thing. Here the client will say hey dude i am going to watch a movie. Here he will not explain how and where he wants to do.
Low Level Requiements:
Low Level Requirements is derived from high level requirements. Low level requirements defines the detailed thing of the specified one.
Lets take our example watching a movie in cinema. Here a client should say when he is going to watch, where he is going to watch and how he is going to watch. These are the low level requirements.
Scheduling and Budgeting can be done in planning.
Here we have to make sure buying the tickets for a movie in what time, where to and in what budget those kind of things comes under planning.
Design phase will be done according to our requirements. Client discusses with a System Analyst what functions are needed and what the outputs should look like.
In our example, we have to ask the client during the interval of the cinema what type of snacks he wants, those kinds of things comes under this phase. Depends on his/her requirements we will make the arrangements.
The development phase occurs, where actual programming is done here
Testing :
The testers test for errors in the syntax of the code and ensures that the logic of the programs obtains the desired results.
The application is placed into use. The Systems Analyst will then train the end user on how to use the system.
The maintenance stage occurs when a change needs to be added to a program. This may occur because additional information or functionality is required out of the application by the end user.

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what is SDLC? what are the different stages in SDLC?..

Answer / hemasarathy

SDLC: System Development Life Cycle

It means different phases of process has been structured
before development or the process yet to be started.This
report will be prepared by an "Business Analyst". This SDLC

1. Research & Planning
2. Analysis
3. Design
4. Development
5. Testing
6. Deployment

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what is SDLC? what are the different stages in SDLC?..

Answer / abhinab

SDLC is an acronym for Software Development Life Cycle. It
is also sometimes referred to as System Development Life
Cycle. In simple words it is the process or method applied
to create or alter software projects. Each of these
methodologies defines unique way to create a new software
module or program. So what basically are the sdlc
methodologies? There are basically five common types of
approach and methodologies which builds the foundation
pillar of the SDLC, viz- Waterfall model, Incremental Model,
Spiral model, Prototyping model and Win-Win Spiral Model.

More info: http://www.sdlc.ws/what-is-sdlc/

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what is SDLC? what are the different stages in SDLC?..

Answer / prasadteja

SDLC is a process used by IT analysts in order to develop or redesign high quality software system which meets both the customer and the real world requirement taking into consideration all associated aspects of pros and cons of software testing, analysis and post process maintenance.
SDLC have main 7 Stage:
1. Priliminary Investigation
2. Feasibility Study
3. Analysis
4. Design
5. Coding
6. Testing
7. Maintainance & Review.

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what is SDLC? what are the different stages in SDLC?..

Answer / raaj

SDLC stand for Software Development Life Cycle. It is
used to develop the software systematically.


Project Planning
Requirements Development
Test Build/Deployment
Unit Testing
Integration Testing
User Documentation
System Testing
Acceptance Testing
Production Build/Deployment

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what is SDLC? what are the different stages in SDLC?..

Answer / j p n v priyanka

SDLC means software development life cycle. For the
software development we have following steps so that it is
called software development life cycle.
1.information gathering
4.coding & testing
5.result & review

the following is the expalnation

Information Gathering:
here the information which is useful to the required
software by conducting the reviews to the customers or users

after gahering information analyse the information that
means study the raw information and make it as logical
information. Logical means connecton betwwen the entire data
for the software design we use unified modeling lsnguage by
using this we can design the softare. why we design because
it is to better understand the system.

coding & testing:
this phase also calleed implementation. in this we write
the code for the software by the customer required

result & review:
in this phase the result will displayed to the users and
conduct the review because the customer satisfaction is
also importent.

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what is SDLC? what are the different stages in SDLC?..

Answer / samkelisiwe vilakati

There are six phases in every Software development life cycle model- SDLC:

Requirement gathering and analysis
Implementation or coding

1) Requirement gathering and analysis: Business requirements are gathered in this phase. This phase is the main focus of the project managers and stake holders. Meetings with managers, stake holders and users are held in order to determine the requirements like; Who is going to use the system? How will they use the system? What data should be input into the system? What data should be output by the system? These are general questions that get answered during a requirements gathering phase. After requirement gathering these requirements are analyzed for their validity and the possibility of incorporating the requirements in the system to be development is also studied.

Finally, a Requirement Specification document is created which serves the purpose of guideline for the next phase of the model.

2) Design: In this phase the system and software design is prepared from the requirement specifications which were studied in the first phase. System Design helps in specifying hardware and system requirements and also helps in defining overall system architecture. The system design specifications serve as input for the next phase of the model.

3) Implementation / Coding: On receiving system design documents, the work is divided in modules/units and actual coding is started. Since, in this phase the code is produced so it is the main focus for the developer. This is the longest phase of the software development life cycle.

4) Testing: After the code is developed it is tested against the requirements to make sure that the product is actually solving the needs addressed and gathered during the requirements phase. During this phase unit testing, integration testing, system testing, acceptance testing are done.

5) Deployment: After successful testing the product is delivered / deployed to the customer for their use.

6) Maintenance: Once when the customers starts using the developed system then the actual problems comes up and needs to be solved from time to time. This process where the care is taken for the developed product is known as maintenance.


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what is SDLC? what are the different stages in SDLC?..

Answer / onka


2.System Concept Development
4.Requrements Analysis
7.intergaration and Test
9.Operations and Maontenance

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what is SDLC? what are the different stages in SDLC?..

Answer / sijo george

SDLC is System Development Life Cycle. there are 7 phases.
1. Identify problems, opportunities & objectives
2. Determine information requerements
3. Analyse system needs
4. Design the recommended system
5. Develop & doccument software
6. Test & maintain the proposed system
7. Impliment & evaluate the proposed system

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what is SDLC? what are the different stages in SDLC?..

Answer / navneet guraya

sdlc is a engneering model basically used for develop a
improved ,new system in any organization.It explains how
well our application is build in meeting the customers
requirements.different phases in sdlc are:
1. investigation
2. analysis
4.implementaion,coding & testing
5.maintance of system software if required.

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