what is SDLC? what are the different stages in SDLC?

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what is SDLC? what are the different stages in SDLC?..

Answer / gambhir chauhan

1. Planning – before a program is created, they have to know
what they want to create. Software development companies use
this stage to determine the need of the present market.
Surveys and project proposal are common in this stage. They
sit down and determine what the present market needs.
Management is often involved in this stage as they wanted to
determine what the developers have to do and how it will
impact the market.

2. Design – once the management has approved of the plan and
the budget has been determined for this project, it’s now
time to create the architecture of the program. Developers
will work together and talk about the ways of developing the
program. The workflow of the software is drafted in this
stage. Some software development models approach this stage
in a rather simple manner. The iterative development model
often treats this stage as already the beginning of
software’s actual creation. The initial programs are
creating in this part of development model.

3. Testing – developers have to make sure their created
programs will work well in different environments. The
traditional way of testing usually needs testers so that the
program will be exploited in different manner. On the other
hand, some software developers do not use testers for their
program rather developers get normal and intended users to
test their program. They do not just implement the program
to everyone though, they implement the program in restricted
manner so that they can monitor to software’s performance
and make the necessary adjustments even before the software
is released for general public. The testing stage even
expands to the idea of implementing the software in beta
testing just to make sure it can withstand multiple users at
the same time.

4. Implementation – once testing is finished and the
software is proven good for implementation, it is released
to the public or will be removed from beta version. It’s
expected that on first days, developers will face serious
challenge of fixing different bugs as they are discovered
one by one by different users. The main difference of the
implementation stage to the testing is the amount of bugs
expected. Since they are implemented to the public or a
wider audience, it’s already expected that it should work

5. Maintenance – with the software properly implemented,
developers role in this software does not end there.
Instead, they will have to work reactively for this
software. Instead of looking for the problems in their
created software, developers will only be providing answers
to their problems.

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rong>6. Termination – of course not all software will last
forever. Updates has to happen and there will be time that
drastic changes has to happen in a software that they have
to be scrapped altogether. Although there will be traces of
the previous software, the evolution of new coding language
or the adaptation of the same software to a different
platform will warrant termination to the original program.

SDLC has to follow steps faithfully. These steps suggest
what type of development software they are. Although they
follow almost the same stages, it’s the treatment of these
stages suggest what they can do. Developers on the other
hand should consider their own skills, their intended users
and the available resources to determine what model they
should be following for software development. This will
ensure they are creating something that they can control and
maintain at anytime of the day. With proper steps and
guidelines, a good software is ensured for the users.

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 8 No

what is SDLC? what are the different stages in SDLC?..

Answer / anil

SDLC is a Software Development Life Cycle. It is used for
any organisation to create software systematically.
There are six phases included in SDLC.

1)Requirement Analysis and Finalization
2)Functional Requirement and Design
3)Development and System Integration Testing
4)Validation (User Acceptance Testing)

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 3 No

what is SDLC? what are the different stages in SDLC?..

Answer / cj

SDLC means Systems Development Life Cycle or Software
Development Life Cycle. A Systems Development Life Cycle
(SDLC) adheres to important phases that are essential for
developers, such as planning, analysis, design, and
implementation, and are explained in the section below. A
sequence of stages in which the output of each stage
becomes the input for the next. These stages can be
characterized and divided up in different ways, including
the following:
1. Project planning, feasibility study:
Establishes a high-level view of the intended project and
determines its goals.
2. Systems analysis, requirements definition:
Defines project goals into defined functions and operation
of the intended application. Analyzes end-user information
3. Systems design:
Describes desired features and operations in detail,
including screen layouts, business rules, process diagrams,
pseudocode and other documentation.
4. Implementation:
The real code is written here.
5. Integration and testing:
Brings all the pieces together into a special testing
environment, then checks for errors, bugs and
6. Acceptance, installation, deployment:
The final stage of initial development, where the software
is put into production and runs actual business.
7. Maintenance:
What happens during the rest of the software's life:
changes, correction, additions, moves to a different
computing platform and more. This, the least glamorous and
perhaps most important step of all, goes on seemingly

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what is SDLC? what are the different stages in SDLC?..

Answer / podila.srikanth

SDLC is mainly for Software Development Life Cycle.

It is varies form one organization to other.
there are mainly 6 phases in SDLC.

1.Requirements phase (or) Initial phase.

*Gathering all requirement for the businesses with the
help of Requirement Document. (FRS,BDD,BRS,CRS).

2.Analysis phase (SRS)

*Feasibility (requirements are possible or not,
.....with in time & budget).
*Tentative planing (resource and time planning will be
temporarily done).
*Technology selection (what are the best suitable
technology and environment (S/W and H/W))

3.Design phase (TDD)

*High Level Design: by Architect (split the project into
modules and also draw some diagrams with UML Language).
*Low Level Design: by Technical Lead (split modules into
sub modules same as Architect).
*Also write some Pseudo codes for writing the code easily.

4.Coding phase (SCD)

*Developers play this role to develop the script based
on the client requirements.

5.Testing phase

*Based on the developed Application the Tester will
focus on each and every thing to do testing.
*Is any requirements are not clear then there is a
Review meeting for clarifying the doubts.
*Then they will start the testing with all modules.
*If the Application is defect free then the product will
Quality product.


*Once the Application is delivered to client the
maintenance people will manage. if there is any problem then
they manage all the tasks.
*some companies will go for third party maintenance.

Thank for reading

(********** Is any correction please correct me**********)

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what is SDLC? what are the different stages in SDLC?..

Answer / preet sahota

SDLC is Software/system Development Life Cycle. It is used
to develop the software systematically.
SDLC have main 7 stages:
1. Priliminary Investigation/Initial Invastigation
2. Feasibility/Possibility Study
a. Technical feasibility
b. Economical feasibility
c. Operational feasibility
d. Schadule feasibility
e. Motivational feasibility

3. System Analysis
4. System Design
5. Testing
6. Implementation
7. maintenance

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

what is SDLC? what are the different stages in SDLC?..

Answer / gaurav batra

SDLC is Software Development Life Cycle. It is used to
develop the software systematically .
SDLC have main 7 phase:
1. Priliminary Investigation
2. Feasibility Study
3. Analysis
4. Design
5. Coding
6. Testing
7. Maintainance & Review.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 3 No

what is SDLC? what are the different stages in SDLC?..

Answer / abhishek.cusat.it2007

Software development life cycle model is also called as
waterfall model which is followed by majority of systems.
This software development life cycle process has the
following seven stages in it namely

1. System Requirements Analysis
2. Feasibility study
3. Systems Analysis and Design
4. Code Generation
5. Testing
6. Maintenance
7. Implementation

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what is SDLC? what are the different stages in SDLC?..

Answer / mohd. alquama anjum

SDLC Model Basic Stages
SDLC or the Software Development Life Cycle refers to the steps involved in creating a software from scratch. During earlier days, software used to be scarce and its creation was comparatively easier. Developers could create any programs they want and experience no competition. In present time, every software released to the public can easily be compared to another software. Few software can even be considered as a version of another program without any credit.
That’s why careful planning has to be made before a single code is written. Analysis has to be done before anything else is made. SDLC is known as the traditional way of executing and implementing a program. The following are the basic stages of SDLC:

1. Market Research

Before anything is implemented or written, SDLC should always understand their customers in the first place. It’s just basic business to consider what is required and what’s in demand in today's market. An abstract program could be created from this stage. Since researchers are technically not the developers, all they could do is create a list of what could be used by the public. This will basically be the mission of the software – to meet and exceed the needs that are laid out by the market research team.

2. Hardware Preparation

Once the need has been set, it is time to determine the required hardware to create the specific software. Hardware usually comes after research since the company does not know the actual requirement. They still need a plan before hardware could be purchased or upgraded.

3. Software Analysis

Once the hardware is in place, it is time to go to the specifics of the software. Developers will have to work closely with the research team and present a specific solution for their needs. In this stage of software development, the framework of the software is created. The software gains some foundation as the developers will know what to work on.

4. Software Design
The specifics of the software are elaborated in this stage of web development. Developers will now create a layout of how the software should perform. The workflow is eventually established and the front-end of the software is laid out. The rough design of the software is also presented. Analysis is constantly made on the look of the layout since it will be the first thing that customers will see. This stage is very crucial since the foundation is elaborated and things are extended for the first time. The end result and structure will be based on the initial design. The workflow is laid out and it will be the backbone of the coding structure. Developers have to ensure that each step has been explained carefully if not other developers will find it difficult to understand the software.

5. Coding

If you compare it to a business model, coding is the “operations” of the software development plan. Everything is realized during this stage. The colors and the functions are gradually developed at this point. Developers will make use of different kinds of coding techniques in their preferred platforms. They may create different platforms or create a mash-up of different platforms to different programs. Whatever their coding technique is, they will be adhering to the plans set out by the workflow. Once the program is finished, a prototype is set out for the next stage of the process.

6. Testing

Of course the program, on its first run will not perfect or wouldn’t exactly work as planned. It has to go through rigorous testing. In this stage, bugs are found and some irregularities in the software are somehow fixed. If something goes wrong with the program, it could be fixed with a simple change in codes but if the program is not working as planned, it will be returned to the developers for another round of coding. Testing will make sure the customer gets what they want all the time. Nothing is compromised during this stage. Depending on the program’s coding efficiency, testing could last for a very long time.

7. Implementation

Once the testing of program has been completed the software is ready for implementation. For various developers, implementation could mean releasing the software for public beta-testing. That means everyone can use this program but the service is not yet complete. This implementation is used to give them a glimpse of something better. The beta release is also used to test the program if it can withstand thousands of users at the same time. Of course, in theory it has to work but there is software that, for some reason crashes when it reaches a certain number of users at the same time. These are usually done for gaming programs. MMORPG games are the perfect example of implementing the program in beta version. Once the program has been under beta version for some time without any glitch, the final version is released to the public.

8. Closing

This is not very popular with the US developers, but in the UK, closing refers to the final version of the software. Everything is already in place once closing has been posted – the documentation, source codes and business plans were also implemented at the same time.

9. Maintenance

Once the program has been released, it will not be left out alone. Developers will still work on the software full time as they will monitor its popularity and performance. No one knows if something will happen to a program. This could be the easiest part of the software development stage or the most difficult – depending on the programs efficiency. That is why even at an early stage, coding and design has to be tight and precise.

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what is SDLC? what are the different stages in SDLC?..

Answer / liplong

SDLC stands for software development lifecycle
SDLC is a procedure used to develop software systematically
the stages are-:
1.requirement gathering
feasibility study
requirement specification
requirement validation
2.Analysis and design
highlevel design-components,interfaces
lowlevel design-class,operations
3.Implementations: builds,debugging,integration of components
4 Testing:unit,integration,system,acceptance

5.Deployment:release notes,installation scripts,trainings
6.Maintenance :preventive,corrective,adaptive,perfective

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

what is SDLC? what are the different stages in SDLC?..

Answer / dharam shah

The Software development life Cycle(SDLC)comprises of the
following steps:
1. Preliminary investigation
2. Feasibilty Study
2.1 Economic feasibilty study
2.2 Operational feasibilty study
2.3 Technical feasibilty study
2.4 Legal feasibilty study
2.5 Alternative feasibilty study
3. Analysis
4. Design
5. Coding/Programming
6. Testing
7. Implementation
8. Maintainance & Review

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