Tell me something about your project?

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Tell me something about your project?..

Answer / kumar vaddadi

The aim of this question, is to understand how well we
represent our project profile along with our role, which
ever has more significance.

For eg.
I am working on blah & blah Project, which uses so & so
technology. And my role is this.
1. Either so & so technology reffered here, should have
very significance. So that the same technology might hit
the interviewer as well.
2. my role is THIS. THIS should be clearly very unique of
its kind, which makes signicant differnce between others &
you, otherwise why a company would like to hire you? when
you are NOT UNIQUE, from what their employees.

Is This Answer Correct ?    28 Yes 26 No

Tell me something about your project?..

Answer / hirday ram

I have done a project based on Hiding the message through image steganography.The main purpose of this project is develop to check
user authentication and user management.This is a main part of our project.
now a day everyone want to keep and send the data with secure manner.if we hide the data using image steganography .then the hacker can not think about the data.
that is hiddent inside the image because it look same image as original image.
it consist of 3 three module.
write the message and import the image.
there are 3 team members working on project.
my role includes:
1.Requirement gethering(java language and Netbeans software).
3.Code analysis.

Note : - do not forget to ask that " would you like to hear more detail on that "

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Tell me something about your project?..

Answer / amar

My project name is radio frequency library management.I want how to xplain when interviewer ask me about my project.idont have clear idea how to say in,plzgive me information.

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Tell me something about your project?..

Answer / sagar suman

my project is related to computer.
This is the project that is designed for computer decreases size.
this is a spectacle like design and when any body bear this one then any one can use computer.
and the spectacle is connected with wireless and that telecast
the things on monitor.

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Tell me something about your project?..

Answer / karuna

My project name is Privacy preserving public auditing for shared on the cloud.
It consists of 4 modules: server of users
3.public verifier
4.Auditing module
Purpose of the project:
*Novel privacy preserving mechanisims that supports public auting on shared data stored on the cloud
*we utilize ring signature to construct homomorphic authentication in oruta,so that a public verifier is able to verify the integrity of shared data with out retiving the entire data while the identity of signer on each block is kept private from public verifier
existing system:
in this data is divided into many small blocks,where each block is independently signed by the needs entire data during integrity checking.

Hello friends this about my project .Is it enough to tell in interview can u please tell me

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Tell me something about your project?..

Answer / ashwini

My project is Captcha as a graphical password. The main purpose of this project is to provide security or password protection by creating newer forms of captcha that can't be broken by any not even machine learning. It is group project, In that my role is

According to my project It is both Captcha as well as graphical password scheme. It offeres protection against online dictionary attacks on password.In this project I am implementing two types of captcha Animal Grid and click animal.If animal grid and click text are combine then it will becoe 3-way authentication tech. It can be applied on touch screen devices and many e-banking system.

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Tell me something about your project?..

Answer / ashok

my project name is customer details mgmt services,it is a complete banking services ,the main aim of the project to provides offers customer useages of the credit card,in that project conatins three offers 1.g-offer 2.m-offers 3.p-offers,and also every customer choose only 10 offers,first priority gives m-offers after that p-offers,p-offers,our client is custer bank in US.

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Tell me something about your project?..

Answer / srikanth

My project is "ensuring distributed accountibility for data sharing over the cloud". I didnt understand the project any one who explains the project, for him im so thankful.

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Tell me something about your project?..

Answer / pranay dilip thote

my project name is like electromagnetic car.It is to run or
move on the road to supply the electric power to the wheel
or the wheel ring is made by magnet ring. where any car are
set a front engine we are set a only battery to supply the
electric in wheel ring when the accelerate the paidal the
electric is supply to the magnetic wheel & the vehicle is
move on the road.
1) save the fuel
2) no pollution

1) more maintenance
2) cost is more

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 6 No

Tell me something about your project?..

Answer / srigbok

My project name is E-books downloader website, which allows user to download e-books for free, so their learning process will become more interactive and engaging.

the main aim of project :- User don't have to go to bookstore to buy books. he can download it on website in a one click, so its avoid traveling and save time.

the technologies used for backend are php, mysql and for frontend html, css.

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1 Answers  

can any body help me to know the procedure followed by programmer/developer inorder to develop a project. what are the steps, how he/she get the SRS,technical document??how does he submit his wotk to TL/PM/Business Analyst?? How does these documents review?? how the developer starts coding? how does he deploy his coding in server? in which server he will deploy?? what are the important document a developer should have??? Pls give me a real time scenario of development process, how it is going on in a company???? Thanks in advance

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Scenario: -------- -- You are a project manager in a large software house of 375 staff in total. The company has been running for 5 years. The company has been CMM assessed at level 3. The company has many external clients for whom it develops a wide range of business applications. -- Most of the company‘s applications are developed in Java. The waterfall lifecycle development model is normally used in developments. -- The company has historically suffered from the type of problems that are common in the software industry. In particular systems have been delivered not always to user requirements and containing faults. The managing director of the company is very keen for improvements to be made in these areas. -- You are in charge of a project team of 8 developers, 2 requirements engineers and 3 testers. Your team is just about to start a new development. System to Develop :( Exact Question ) ------------------------------------- -- Your team is about to start to develop a novel vehicle navigation system for physically impaired drivers. The navigation system not only identifies the correct route for the driver in the normal way, but also controls the steering wheel to navigate the car to the destination identified by the driver. -- A basic statement of requirements has been received from the customer and budget and timescales have been formalised into a contract. Requires TASK to write : ------------------------ -- You must write a short report (maximum of 1 page) for the managing director of your company outlining how you propose to ensure that this project improves on previous projects in terms of delivering to user requirements and without faults. Your report must include how you propose to show improvement on these issues to your managing director. Also please tell me how should I choose the best software model when given scenarios like these ...?

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