If we are record a same web page for 2 times.1st time it is
showing 6 objects in the Object Repository and for the 2nd
time it is showing like 7 Objects in the Object Repository
why it is happening

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If we are record a same web page for 2 times.1st time it is showing 6 objects in the Object Reposi..

Answer / surya prakash

Generally The No. of Objects in the Object Repository is
based the Uniqueness of the Objects Physicall description,
Which is generated based on the Object identification
Process we have defined before recording.

if we selected any Dinamically changing Propery
like "focus", "text" for edit box,) the physicall
description is changes time to time (before performing the
opertion and after performing the operation).

Here in this sistuation any of the objects property had
been updated(changed)from first time to second time, and it
stored that as another object. So it may shows 7 objects in
the second time....


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If we are record a same web page for 2 times.1st time it is showing 6 objects in the Object Reposi..

Answer / viju

when u record a web page first that shows de 6 objects in
object repository,but 2nd time it may takes previous recording
as object. total is 7 while recording de 2nd time in object

Plz clarify this ans n reply

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If we are record a same web page for 2 times.1st time it is showing 6 objects in the Object Reposi..

Answer / tvsramakrishnachowdary

Naturally the objects in the web page are not loaded at a
time it can take some time...

for ex if images are there it can take some time to load
the image rather then text...

it also depends on speed of the internet...

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If we are record a same web page for 2 times.1st time it is showing 6 objects in the Object Reposi..

Answer / k.chandra sekhar

a) If the 1st recording time has only six objects then
after the 2nd time have the 7 objects. Ok I will give the
two reasons that are
b) 1st one is the when you are recording one of the
objects is add or by unexpected add the objects then have
the objects repository 7 objects.
c) 2nd one is the if you want some thing that way you
are going to the 2nd time record that what you want that
object is the that 7th one

My name is k.chandra sekhar,
My phone no is 09246540049,
My mail id is ndra_143@yahoo.co.in
If any body want full explain send the mail

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