Diff. between keyword driven Data driven testing?

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Diff. between keyword driven Data driven testing?..

Answer / raman verma

Data-driven testing is a methodology used in Test automation
where test scripts are executed and verified based on the
data values stored in one or more central data sources or
databases. These databases can range from datapools, ODBC
sources, csv files, Excel files, DAO objects, ADO objects, etc.

Keyword-driven testing or Table-driven testing is a Software
testing methodology as part of the Test automation
discipline that separates the programming work from the
actual Test script so that the test scripts can be developed
without knowledge of programming. As a result the test
scripts can be maintained with only minor updates, even when
the application or testing requires significant changes.

Is This Answer Correct ?    55 Yes 2 No

Diff. between keyword driven Data driven testing?..

Answer / konduru srilatha

The Data-Driven Testing Framework.:it is used i/p and o/p values for test are fetched from data files these data files can be excel files.

The Keyword-Driven or Table-Driven Testing Framework.:We need create a set keywords and data table

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

Diff. between keyword driven Data driven testing?..

Answer / satish javalekar

Data driven Testing :
Data driven scripts are those application-specific scripts
captured or manually coded in the automation tool’s
proprietary language and then modified to accommodate
variable data. Variables will be used for key application
input fields and program selections allowing the script to
drive the application with external data supplied by the
calling routine or the shell that invoked the test script.
Keyword driven testing:
These tests are developed as data tables using a keyword
vocabulary that is independent of the test automation tool
used to execute them. This keyword vocabulary should also be
suitable for manual testing.
The data table records contain the keywords that describe
the actions we want to perform. They also provide any
additional data needed as input to the application, and
where appropriate, the benchmark information we use to
verify the state of our components and the application in
Hope this clarifies the difference.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 5 No

Diff. between keyword driven Data driven testing?..

Answer / nath .t

Keyword Driven Testing: In this testing tester interaction
is there at time of testing. we can give the values with
help of

Syntax:- Variable = inputbox("String")
Ex:- a = inputbox("Enter the value for A ")

In the above example a is the variable it's stores
the value at the runtime. and u can use this variable as a
parameter of any object at runtime.

Data Driven Testing: In this testing there is no
interaction of tester. here we can use datasheets or
frontend grids as parameters to the application.
We can get values from data sheets

Syntax:- variable = datatable("column name","sheet
Ex:- empno = datatable

In above example
Empno is variable
Employee_no is column name
dtGlobalSheet is Sheet name

we can use these variable in our application as a

Is This Answer Correct ?    19 Yes 20 No

Diff. between keyword driven Data driven testing?..

Answer / murthysharma

Keyword-driven testing is a
technique that separates much of the programming work from
the actual
test steps so that the test steps can be developed earlier
and can often be
maintained with only minor updates, even when the
application or testingUsing the keyword-driven approach,
test automation experts have full access to the underlying
test and object properties, via an integrated scripting and
debugging environment that is round-trip synchronized with
the Keyword View.
needs change significantly.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 9 No

Diff. between keyword driven Data driven testing?..

Answer / sushmita

key board DDT is to read values from key board
TSL stmts
using for loop
x=create_input_dialog("enter order no");

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 12 No

Diff. between keyword driven Data driven testing?..

Answer / nath .t

Keyword Driven Testing: In this testing tester interaction
is there at time of testing. we can give the values with
help of

Syntax:- Variable = inputbox("String")
Ex:- a = inputbox("Enter the value for A ")

In the above example a is the variable it's stores
the value at the runtime. and u can use this variable as a
parameter of any object at runtime.

Data Driven Testing: In this testing there is no
interaction of tester. here we can use datasheets or
frontend grids as parameters to the application.
We can get values from data sheets

Syntax:- variable = datatable("column name","sheet
Ex:- empno = datatable

In above example
Empno is variable
Employee_no is column name
dtGlobalSheet is Sheet name

we can use these variable in our application as a

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 19 No

Diff. between keyword driven Data driven testing?..

Answer / nath .t

Keyword Driven Testing: In this testing tester interaction
is there at time of testing. we can give the values with
help of

Syntax:- Variable = inputbox("String")
Ex:- a = inputbox("Enter the value for A ")

In the above example a is the variable it's stores
the value at the runtime. and u can use this variable as a
parameter of any object at runtime.

Data Driven Testing: In this testing there is no
interaction of tester. here we can use datasheets or
frontend grids as parameters to the application.
We can get values from data sheets

Syntax:- variable = datatable("column name","sheet
Ex:- empno = datatable

In above example
Empno is variable
Employee_no is column name
dtGlobalSheet is Sheet name

we can use these variable in our application as a

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 18 No

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