there are 3 jars of different jar holds 8 litres
of milk,the other 2 jars of 5 litres and 3 jars are
empty.There is no measuring level or marks in all the
jars.Juggle between these 3 jars and get 2 jars containing
4litres each at the end.

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there are 3 jars of different jar holds 8 litres of milk,the other 2 jars of 5 litres and..

Answer / thalapathy

(8) (5) (3)
8 0 0
3 5 0
4 4 0

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 2 No

there are 3 jars of different jar holds 8 litres of milk,the other 2 jars of 5 litres and..

Answer / mukund

take 2 jugs....of 8 and 5
8lit 5lit
0 5
5 0
5 5
8 2
0 2
2 0
2 5
7 0
7 5
8 4
0 4
repeat it for one more jug of 5lit.....

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 8 No

there are 3 jars of different jar holds 8 litres of milk,the other 2 jars of 5 litres and..

Answer / chandrasekar m

size of jars 8 5 3

take 3 lits in 3 lit jar
0 0 3
transfer that to 8 lit jar and take 3 more lits in 3 lit jar
3 0 3
Again transfer that 3 lits. to 8 lits jar and take 3 more
lits in 3 lits. jar itself
6 0 3
Again tranfer 2 lits. from 3 lits. jar to 8 lits. jar and
the remaining 1 lit transfer it to 5 lit jar
so, 8 1 0
Now again take 3 litres in 3 lits. jar and trabsfer it to 5
lits. jar
so, 8 4 0
Now 5 lits. jar is containing 4 lits. Repeat the same
process to fill 4 lits in 8 lits. jar

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 5 No

there are 3 jars of different jar holds 8 litres of milk,the other 2 jars of 5 litres and..

Answer / kiran kadarla

Jars : 8 5 3
Milk: 8 0 0 (initially)
5 3 0
2 5 1
7 1 0
4 4 0

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 11 No

there are 3 jars of different jar holds 8 litres of milk,the other 2 jars of 5 litres and..

Answer / vijay

in this question only the sizes of the jars are given
instead the amount of milk present is not mentioned so v
cannot juggle anything between three empty jars.........

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 14 No

there are 3 jars of different jar holds 8 litres of milk,the other 2 jars of 5 litres and..

Answer / sharmila

8 5 5
6 6 6
4 4 10

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 20 No

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