Ehat is the descriptive programing in QTP?

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Ehat is the descriptive programing in QTP?..

Answer / ksuresh_999

In Three Situations we go for Descriptive Coding
a)When QTP is unable to identify the "Object" in
the Application?
b)When the "Object repository" become large to avoid that
c)When we are writing "Script" the application is not
ready, then we go for "Descriptive coding". For that dev
team provide LLD Docs.

Each object has default properties like Text Box has Text,
Attached Text, Native Class, Window ID.

Ex:- for login window

Name :").set "Abcedf"

("Name:=Password :").setsecure "Mercury"


That means we provide the properties in scripting for
identify the objects in application.

Suresh K

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Ehat is the descriptive programing in QTP?..

Answer / nanda

the Two above answers are correct...

there is simple technique to write descriptive write DP we use Object Identification dialog
box and Object spy dialog box.

Object Identification dialog boxes uses to know which
properties can identify an object uniquely and Object spy
uses to know values of this property..this technique is
suggested when the application is ready only. If application
is not ready we can write only visible properties, like
text, attachedtext, class.

we can write DP in two throwing the properties
and their values directly in to script (or) by creating an
object by using description.create method.

for example:

set objtext = description.create
objtext("nativeclass").value = "Edit"
objtext("attachedtext").value = "XXXXX"

this will create a text box object.

browser("sadgd").page("sahdga").webedit(objtext).set "asgfsad"

second method is:


If any queries..

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Ehat is the descriptive programing in QTP?..

Answer / sbbceo

How do I record a script to automate the username and
password for 3 different types of surveys who's username
and password are all the same? I need to run this same
piece of script against all these surveys who get prompted
for the username and password at the exact same place.

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Ehat is the descriptive programing in QTP?..

Answer / nath .t

Descriptive programming means we can write VB Script
without objective Repository. we can write program with
the help of object properties.

ex: if u want to write descriptive program for login page

login page have userid and password and ok, cancel button

every object have some common properties with that we can
write descriptive program suppose u take here login is

Window have some properties like TEXT, ATTACHED TEXT,

same as for Text boxes having TEXT, ATTACHED TEXT, NATIVE

with the help of above properties we can write descriptive

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