what is the difference between Test strategy and test plan?

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what is the difference between Test strategy and test plan?..

Answer / thrikesh reddy

Test Plan: This Document includes the Set of Ideas That Guide the Project.

Ex: if we are Going to Construct a Apartment.Test plan will Explain How many rooms we requires,and how many lifts we want to that Apartment and about the Gardening.

Test Design: This Document includes the set of ideas that Guide the design.

Ex: It Explains about whole design i,e How much space that rooms will Occupy,and how much weight that Lift will Going to carry,and how much place the Gardening will Going to occupy...

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what is the difference between Test strategy and test plan?..

Answer / senthil

Test statergy : mostly done by the Test manager with other
senior member's involvement

It is a high level document which talk about how to move
about in a testing project. Basically it deals with
explaining who, when , what and how for ther project from
begining till end. It has to be followed like a guideline
to deal with various situations coming up in the project.

Some of the typical components of are test statergy are
1. In Scope
2. out scope
3. responsibilities matrix
4. resource requirement
5. testing technique used
6. matric collection
7. Communication plan
8. Scope control plan
9. configuration management plan
10. Automation requirement
11. Entry/ Exit criteria
12. mile stone definition
13. Escalation mechanism
14. Bug reporting and tracking
15. Risk management plan

there could be other points as well however, these are some
of the point that came to my mind the moment i started
writing this.

Test plan : This is document which is prepare to talk about
testing a specific requirement/project. This contains the
test scenarios, test scripts etc

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 7 No

what is the difference between Test strategy and test plan?..

Answer / santhoshi

Test Plan - “A software project test plan is a document that describes the objectives, scope, approach, and focus of a software testing effort”

Test Strategy – Test Strategy or Test Approach is a set of guide lines that describes test design. Test strategy says - How testing is going to be performed? What will be the test architecture?

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what is the difference between Test strategy and test plan?..

Answer / sitam

Test Strategy is a high-level description of the test levels
to be performed and the testing within those levels for an
organization or program (one or more projects).

Test Plan is a document describing the scope, approach,
resources and schedule of intended test activities. It
identifies amongst others test items, the features to be
tested, the testing tasks, who will do each task, degree of
tester independence, the test environment, the test design
techniques and entry and exit criteria to be used, and the
rationale for their choice,and any risks requiring
contingency planning. It is a record of the test planning

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what is the difference between Test strategy and test plan?..

Answer / amit

Test Plan is a parent document which includes whats the
scope, objective, assumption, Project/Product details,
resources, roles-responsibilities & configurations for

Test Strategy is Child Document which covers, what are the
different types of Testing will be done, When these
different testing started in testing, what is the
entry/exit criteria, Tools, methods, which module first &
which is to tested next.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 2 No

what is the difference between Test strategy and test plan?..

Answer / johhny

If you are a QC lead, how you monitor and control your
members to make sure high quality of software and your
members do not miss out any bug ?

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what is the difference between Test strategy and test plan?..

Answer / johhny

What do you think if a company build a process:
PM do all tasks of BA and QC:
- Communicate with Client, Analyze and write requirement
- Assign Developer to implement, review code
- prepare test data, test case and execute Testcase

If project is larger, PM will assign leaders, but the same
tasks with PM, he will seprate BA task, test tasks and
assign to leaders.

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what is the difference between Test strategy and test plan?..

Answer / johhny

Our developers can test together, Why do we hire you as
Tester for testing ?
What you can do differently with our Developers?

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what is the difference between Test strategy and test plan?..

Answer / rohan

Test strategy describes about systematic plan for testing
approach and tells about methodologies like Black and white
box testings etc..and bug tracking tools etc....

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 6 No

what is the difference between Test strategy and test plan?..

Answer / som mukherjee

Test Plan is what to test, who test, why to test.

Test Strategy is how o test.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 8 No

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