//{name} INCLUDE MEMBER=memname {comments}
in the include statement, what actually happens when its
executed? The membername conatains a list of valid JCL
statements, so will the include statement be substituted by
these statements and how can we mention the pds that
conatains the member? How does the include group differ from
how is include statement connected to JOBLIB and STEPLIB?

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//{name} INCLUDE MEMBER=memname {comments} in the include statement, what actually happens when its..

Answer / devang1783

INCLUDE is used ONLY on MVS/ESA Version 4 or higher systems
to name an INCLUDE group. An INCLUDE group is a set of one
or more valid JCL statements that are stored together in a
JCLLIB data set or a system procedure library, and that are
read in and used to replace the INCLUDE statement itself
within the job. Any number of INCLUDE statements can be
used in a job, but the name field value used on each should
be unique within the job. The INCLUDE statements can appear
in a job anywhere after the JOB statement, but may not
appear between a CNTL and ENDCNTL
JCL statement.

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//{name} INCLUDE MEMBER=memname {comments} in the include statement, what actually happens when its..

Answer / max

We are using two sysres volume for 4 lpar, one online e one
offline for maintenance.Using INCLUDE member=memname in the
jcl (or proc), in joblib o steplib,for switch from one
library to other ptf library(standing in the other sysres
offline volume), how can i involve in the specific case of OMVS?
There is the problem, that for aplly ptf, i'll mount root
directory of the voleume sysres offline. Infact with two
unique sysres, on e system cloud have different sysres
online. And thus? i can't apply ptf on the root file if it's
mounted on other system lpar.

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