what is difference between ++(*p) and (*p)++

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what is difference between ++(*p) and (*p)++..

Answer / umamaheswari

p is a pointer variable which is holding the address of
another variable ,*p indicates the value that stored in
particular address

++(*p)-the value of the particular variable which is stored
in p is first incremented and used by next instruction

(*p)++ -the value of the particular variable which is
stored is executed or used by next instruction as it is
what it was,if it is any looping statement first time the
loop will be executed with the original value while doing
the second looping it is incremented by 1

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what is difference between ++(*p) and (*p)++..

Answer / vint

++(*p) (or) ++*p -> Pre-increment the Value
(*p)++ -> Post-increment the value

*++p -> Increment the Position and then obtain the Value
*p++ (or) *(p++) -> Obtain the Value and then increment the Position

void main()
char str[10] = "Helyo";
char *p = str;
",++(*p)); // Pre-Increment the Value -> I
",++*p); // Pre-Increment the value -> J
",(*p)++); // Post-Increment the value -> J and increment to K

",*p++); // Post-Increment the position -> K and move to next position i.e. e
",*(p++)); // Post-Increment the position -> e and move to next position i.e. l
",*++p); // Pre-Increment the position and obtain value -> y


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what is difference between ++(*p) and (*p)++..

Answer / srinivas

++(*p)as this means the first the addres is increneted and
then address is assgined

*p++ as this mean that the address is assign to it then the
address is incremented

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what is difference between ++(*p) and (*p)++..

Answer / amaresh chandra das

++(*p)-> Here ,increments the address of p
(*p)++ -> Here , Increments the Value of p

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what is difference between ++(*p) and (*p)++..

Answer / sonal

++(*p) it will increase pointer value to one value
(*p)++ will refer to next memory location

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what is difference between ++(*p) and (*p)++..

Answer / pradeep......

Both are same ..................
reult will not differ in both operations....

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//#include <ctype.h>
void main()
char *ptr="hello";

check this code..........

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what is difference between ++(*p) and (*p)++..

Answer / savita

++(*p) means address that contained in p is incremented.

(*p)++ in this case since both the operator are unary
operator , so it's priority is from right to left.Hence here
first address that contained in p is incremented & then
gives the value at that address.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 8 No

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