What is intermediate language in .NET ?

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What is intermediate language in .NET ?..

Answer / santosh

.net supports CLS i. e. Common language type. its a
microsofts feature to bring all languages near one roof.
When You compile .net code it dosen't converted into binary
language, it converted into IL (Intermidate Language) also
known as MSIL. And from IL to binary language converted at
run time, CLR manages this process. At the runtime also it
not converts whole project at time to binary, only converts
that part which is going to execute, this the performance
of project increases. This IL can use any lanuage which is
member of that .net studio. The assemblies (ExE, DLL) are
also in IL form. So u can use any EXE or DLL created in
vb.net in c#.net also.

Is This Answer Correct ?    71 Yes 8 No

What is intermediate language in .NET ?..

Answer / guest


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What is intermediate language in .NET ?..

Answer / rajesh iyer

MSIL is MicroSoft Intermediate Language. When we
compile .Net applications, its complied to MSIL, which is
not machine read language. Hence Common Language Runtime
(CLR) with JustIn Time Complier (JLT), converts this MSIL
to native code (binary code), which is machine language.

Is This Answer Correct ?    54 Yes 7 No

What is intermediate language in .NET ?..

Answer / bovindra singh

It is cpu independent language.It is only understand by
CLR.due this language(MSIL) vb.net application can run on
any platform on which .net framework is present.

Is This Answer Correct ?    18 Yes 8 No

What is intermediate language in .NET ?..

Answer / vishal surve

When you compile a progam developed in a language that targets the CLR, instead on compiling the source code into machine-level code, the compiler translates it into IL to ensure interoperability between applications developed in different programming languages, such as Visual Basic or Visual C#. Intermediate Language is CPU-independent. This means that the code can be executed from any platform that supports the .NET CLR.

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 1 No

What is intermediate language in .NET ?..

Answer / jastaj

It converts the code into bytecode. it is a service that
runs under the CLR. When we compile our code it gets
compiled into IL(Previously Known as MSIL).

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 5 No

What is intermediate language in .NET ?..

Answer / vipul sachan

In .net when code compile by c# or vb.net compiler then it
convert into managed module.managed module contain IL along
with metadata.there are some points regarding IL as following -

1-IL commonly known as MSIL(microsoft intermediate language).

2-IL can readable only by CLR.Because of IL .net
applications are platform independent.

3.if we make application using any language(language must
support to .net environment)then after compilation it will
convert to IL.IL can be readable only by CLR.

4.In this way, through IL we achieve interoperability in .net.

5.we can check Intermediate language by command ILDASM
+space bar + file-name.dll/exe in visual studio command prompt.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 1 No

What is intermediate language in .NET ?..

Answer / sivasubramanian hariharan

MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language) or CIL (Common
Intermediate Language). All .NET source code is compiled to
IL. This IL is then converted to machine code at the point
where the software is installed, or at run-time by a Just-
In-Time (JIT) compiler.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 2 No

What is intermediate language in .NET ?..

Answer / bikash karak

intermediate language is the middle men between source
code(executable code)and CLR(common language runtime).It
covert source code to a byte code as a result .net framework
execute code through CLR otherwise it is not possible to
execute because CLR not support any other code.It is just
like the middle process between vegetable and disk i.e cooking.
vegetable -> cooking ->disk
source code ->intermediate language -> native machine code

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

What is intermediate language in .NET ?..

Answer / pankaj

what is meaning of intermediate language?

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

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