How do you fetch the data from the excel
Answer / govind
1.To get data fr excel sheet first we need to configure our selenium project with Apache pai jar file
2. Then we have to create execl sheet
3. Then we have to create object of Fileinpuststream class that accept path of execel sheet file.also return type Is file and we have store in one variable
4. After that we have to use create method to open excel sheet which is present in workboofactory class
Workboofactory.create(file) to navigate for specific sheet present in Excel we use getsheet method which accept string value that is name of sheet
Workbookfactory.create(file).getsheet("sheet name")
6.after that from which row you want data we have to navigate to that row by function getrow.
7. After that you have to navigate to column using function getcell
So finally depending upon type of data present in Excel we use
1.String cell value for stringdata
2. Neroc sell value data
3.boolean cell value da🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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