What do you know about .NET assemblies?

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What do you know about .NET assemblies?..

Answer / guest

Assemblies are the smallest units of versioning and
deployment in the .NET application.

Assemblies are also the building blocks for programs such
as Web services, Windows services, serviced components,
and .NET remoting applications.

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What do you know about .NET assemblies?..

Answer / james

An assembly is the functional unit of sharing and reuse in
the Common Language Runtime. It provides the Common
Language Runtime with the information it needs to be aware
of type implementations. To the runtime, a type does not
exist outside the context of an assembly. Assemblies are a
fundamental part of the runtime.

In physical terms, an assembly is a collection of physical
files that are owned by the assembly. These assemblies,
called static assemblies, can include .NET Framework types
(interfaces and classes) as well as resources for the
assembly (bitmaps, JPEG files, resource files, etc.). In
addition, the Common Language Runtime provides API's that
script engines use to create dynamic assemblies when
executing scripts. These assemblies are run directly and
are never saved to disk, though you can save them to disk
if you so choose.

An assembly forms a logical unit of functionality,
a “logical” dll. An assembly forms the fundamental unit of
deployment, version control, reuse, activation scoping, and
security permissions. Contained in an assembly is the
assembly manifest, which contains all the metadata needed
to specify the version requirements, security identity, and
all information needed to define the scope of the assembly
and resolve references to resources and classes.

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