if in a job, region is mentioned in both jobcard and in
step then which is cosidered at the step level?
A job has region 4k in jobcard and step1 with region 0k and
step2 with 16k, then what is the region allocated for the
entire job?
what is the region step1 takes?
what is the region step2 takes?

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if in a job, region is mentioned in both jobcard and in step then which is cosidered at the step l..

Answer / sangeetha

Region parameter coded in jobcard overrides that at step
level in JCL. so the region parameter coded in jobcard is
considered at each step.

0k or 0M always allows/sets limit to all of the 24-bit/31-
bit virtual storage available to the address space

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 5 No

if in a job, region is mentioned in both jobcard and in step then which is cosidered at the step l..

Answer / kiran

As others suggested,

region in the JOB card overrides the region in the Step
only when the Region in step card is gretaer than the
Region in JOB card.

1. Entire job takes - 4k
2. Step 1 takes - 0K ( few environments have settings, with
0K as unlimited space, in this case 4k is assigned to step
3. Step 2 region is overrides by job card region value - 4k

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 1 No

if in a job, region is mentioned in both jobcard and in step then which is cosidered at the step l..

Answer / venkat

in this case step override the job.So first considered to step level.

The Region of entire job takes 4k only.

The region of step1 takes 0k only.

The region of step2 takes 16k.

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if in a job, region is mentioned in both jobcard and in step then which is cosidered at the step l..

Answer / arjun

As we all know, job always overrides step.
then step 1 will take 0 bytes...but if 0 bytes is not sufficient in execution of that step then it goes to job 4k...
it prefers 0 but if not sufficient then 4k

Same case with step 2.
first checks 16k if it is ok for execution then fine else gives an error as 4k is anyhw not sufficient.

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