what is difference between ERP AND SAP
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Answer / gsdfgsfdg
all these are wrong no erp no baan without mine.
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Answer / sonraj
simple ans with example
ERP is system * periviously this word was uused in
production bt now in IT hub * its macro concept
where as SAP is one kind of ERP * SAP is Company who's ERP
product or u can say software are so famous that we call it
SAP only * in short SAP is one of and widly Used ERP S/W
In Photo copy or Carbon Copy , there are meny companies who
is making machines
But Xrox is the 1st company who made its mark Its first
Mover advantage
so we call photo copy as xrox copy
same way SAP is big name in ERP
its allabout brand eqity BOSS ! n joy
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Answer / nitin rajak
SAP is the implementation of ERP just like C++,Java are the implementation of object oriented programming
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Answer / dharmendra patil
SAP is Electronic software where organization can store
those data either those data use on current basis or future
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Answer / narendra gautam
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Answer / sunil
in my view sap is the product of ERP. ERP has several products
in that sap is best one
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Answer / karthik
SAP is an ERP package. The major advantage in SAP over other ERP is that, the integration between other modules ( MM,PP,SD&FI ). They can view all the data in the system. Ex: sales data, production , purchase & financial data.This helps the companies to run their business successfully.
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Answer / vicky pruthi
Enterprise Resource Planning is a concept which define
to optimize utilization of resources by using different
software like Tally,Baan ,Oracle,java,Sap Which Facilitate
Decision Making By providing right information at the right
time at the right place to the right person.
Its a Software which works on the Erp concept.
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Answer / amit sarkar
ERP means Enterprise Resource Planning,where enterprise
stand for a Organisation,Resource stand for source of input
of a company and Planing means How to take decision for
making profit of an organisation.
SAP means System,Application and products in data
SAP is a part of ERP.
For ex: Like Finacial Package like Tally,Fact,Ace etc.
Like ERP have different software like SAP,Oracle,Bann ETC.
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