What is ur goal when ur doing Performence Testing of an Web

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What is ur goal when ur doing Performence Testing of an Web Application..?..

Answer / lia

Our main goal in doing a performance testing is to find the
bottlenecks that occur in an application under different
load conditions. To be specific, to find a point where the
response time becomes infinite under a particular peak load
or when a system crashes under heavy load.

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What is ur goal when ur doing Performence Testing of an Web Application..?..

Answer / vids

As A tester my goal is to report performance of the
particular functionality(asked by client) of the web
application while doing the performance testing. If there
will be any bottleneck it can be rectified. As a whole team
our goal is to achieve the performance of the web
applications desired by client.

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What is ur goal when ur doing Performence Testing of an Web Application..?..

Answer / rambabu-hyd&bang

In general there are two types of scenario's.
1)Manual scenario -used in general scenario's
In MANUAL SCENARIO we define the number of vusers,the
load generator machines,and percentage of vusers to be
assigned to each script.
2) GOAL ORIENTED SCENARIO -used in the web applications
in goal oriented scenario,we define the goal that our
test has to achive

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What is ur goal when ur doing Performence Testing of an Web Application..?..

Answer / prem

Performance testing are two types.
1.Manual performance testing
2.Automation Performance testing

To test the Web Application our main goal is to speed the
execution of an application under various conditions.Testing
the performance of the application for various data
volume.Testing the performance of the application for
various number of cun-current user.How the performance when
multiple user access at a time.

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