How much salary you are expecting? If they ask in an
interview, what we have to tell?

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How much salary you are expecting? If they ask in an interview, what we have to tell?..

Answer / pooja

You can give me anything as per your company norms..

Is This Answer Correct ?    29 Yes 11 No

How much salary you are expecting? If they ask in an interview, what we have to tell?..

Answer / naresh

based on my current salary i want 30% hike

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 2 No

How much salary you are expecting? If they ask in an interview, what we have to tell?..

Answer / er haroon

Q “What are Your Salary Expectations?”

A1 – “I was making Rs.000,000 at my last job, plus bonuses. I would be expecting at least that and a 15-20% increase.
(This is not a good answer)

A2 – “I'm sure whatever you offer will be a fair amount for a person with my qualifications. Salary is not the most important factor to me. I'm looking for opportunity.”
(This is a somewhat weak answer)

A3 – “I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary. I'd like to postpone that discussion until later. Maybe you could tell me what is budgeted for the position, and how your commission structure works.”
This is the best answer)

Q. “What Do You Expect in the Way of Salary?”

A1 - “Before I answer that question I’d like to ask what you typically pay someone with my experience and education in this type of position?”
(Good Answer)

A2 - I’m sure when the time comes and I know more about the facts of the position and how it fits into the bigger picture, we can come to a mutually agreeable figure.”
(Good answer)

A3 - “I really need more information about the position before I can begin to discuss salary. Can you tell me the range budgeted for this position?”
(Good answer)

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How much salary you are expecting? If they ask in an interview, what we have to tell?..

Answer / col pradip dax

Sir, Anything. (Narration : this is to snatch away the job from your competitors eg. Bangalore India is snatching away jobs from Silicion valley USA on this one word answer)

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How much salary you are expecting? If they ask in an interview, what we have to tell?..

Answer / vinoth kumar r

You ask the Interviewer that what is the budget for the
particular requirement and how much they can offer at the

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 5 No

How much salary you are expecting? If they ask in an interview, what we have to tell?..

Answer / manish

They never ask this question...they just tell you that they
can give only a certain amount and if you negotiate on
that, they will simply say that they will revert back but
they never....

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 12 No

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