why is smoke testing done for a software?

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why is smoke testing done for a software?..

Answer / skkyr

smoke testing is done for finding the build stability for
accepting the build for major testing by executing all the
basic functionalities related test cases.

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why is smoke testing done for a software?..

Answer / sunil raj

smoke testing is done for finding the build stability.It
checks the major functionality to decide the software is
testable or not.

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why is smoke testing done for a software?..

Answer / nitin verma

Whenever a new build comes for testing, it requires a
initial level testing to check weather the build is stable
to test further or not, or if there is any showstopper
issues. If the build is stable then it moves to further
regression testing but if the build is not stable and some
showstopper issues are found in it then the tester can
reject the build.

Plz correct me if i am wrong...

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why is smoke testing done for a software?..

Answer / dhiraj

It is a process to see or to examine that is this build is
testable or not.
means it check
1) is this build is stable means not gonna change after that

2) is this build is compile

3) or the major function is working correctly.

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why is smoke testing done for a software?..

Answer / jaya

Smoke Testing is also called build verification testing, the name itself tells that the given Build is to be verified.i.e., a smoke testing is the testing conducted to check whether the basic functionality is working properly in the given build.If it is working then the build goes for further detailed testing

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why is smoke testing done for a software?..

Answer / vidya

Smoke tests :- The application to determine whether the
application is eligible for detailed testing or not. It is a
quick end rough check carried out in application. This quick
check for smoke testing is conducted in test environments.
The objective of smoke tests is to check whether basic
features are available or not to conduct to continue the
major testing.

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why is smoke testing done for a software?..

Answer / yaswida

Testers will conduct a overall testing on released build
in order to conform weather the build is proper or not for conducting detail testing

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why is smoke testing done for a software?..

Answer / usha

Smoke testing is done at the initial stage of testing. It is
done to test the basic and critical features of the software.

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why is smoke testing done for a software?..

Answer / suganya

Smoke testing is a major testing also it s initial testing.
It checks whether it is stable or not.
If it is stable it goes to next process or next.
If it is not stable wil not go to next process/next, it send
back to developer

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 3 No

why is smoke testing done for a software?..

Answer / guest

to check whether a component is working or not

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 7 No

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