what's the significance of freespace(0 0) and freespace(100

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what's the significance of freespace(0 0) and freespace(100 100)..

Answer / harsha

Freespace(%CI,%CA):- It means that how much % of CI is to
be left free and how much % of CA is to be left free.
Freespace(0,0):-Means that there will no free space. all
space would be used to store data.
Freespace(100,100):-Means that there will be only one
record written in the first CI of each CA.

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what's the significance of freespace(0 0) and freespace(100 100)..

Answer / saurabh shah

meaning of freespace(0 0) means default system

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what's the significance of freespace(0 0) and freespace(100 100)..

Answer / vivek


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Please go thru the below points and let me know how to code this. 1. Sort the input dataset for the condition : Starting position is 37,length of the field is 13 based on character and in the ascending order , starting from position 25 length of 12 ,character and in the ascending order. Use a temporary dataset to hold the sorted file. 2. Use the temporary file created in the above step as the input for the next step. The next step is to execute a program and produce an output file. Use the temporary file created in the above as work file 1 and the output of the file to be created in this step work file 2.Also, pass a parameter to the program that is to be executed in this step. The parameter should have the current date in YYYYMMDD format. For the sake of convenience, you can use the below Job Name : Sample1 Input DSN : PCABDT11.CABD.TEST.INPUT Temporary DSN : Sort1 Output DSN : PCABDT11.CABD.TEST.OUTPUT Program Name : SAMPLE Thanks in Advance for your response.

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