What is the use of breakpoint in qtp?

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What is the use of breakpoint in qtp?..

Answer / girish

It will not stop the execution,but it will pause the
execution, It will not generate report after reaching break
point, so it pauses the execution.

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What is the use of breakpoint in qtp?..

Answer / jitendra

We can use breakpoints to instruct QuickTest to pause a run session at a predetermined place in a component or function library. QuickTest pauses the run when it reaches the breakpoint, before executing the step. we can then examine the effects of the run up to the breakpoint, make any necessary changes, and continue running the component or function library from the breakpoint.
You can use breakpoints to:
* suspend a run session and inspect the state of your site or application.
* Mark a point from which to begin stepping through a component or function library using the step commands

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What is the use of breakpoint in qtp?..

Answer / kavi

It will just pause the execution and very useful for debugging . It will not stop the execution.

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What is the use of breakpoint in qtp?..

Answer / lakshmareddy

It is used to stop the execution temporarily

As per my knowledge this is the correct answer
anybody knows the correct answer please send to this id

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