write a program in c language to get the value of arroy
keys pressed and display the message which arrow key is

write a program in c language to get the value of arroy keys pressed and display the message which..

Answer / mohamed ziavudeen

#define KBHOME 327
#define KBEND 335
#define KBUP 328
#define KBDOWN 336
#define KBPGUP 329
#define KBPGDN 337
#define KBLEFT 331
#define KBINS 338
#define KBRIGHT 333
#define KBDEL 339

c0 = getch();
if (c0==0) {
if (c1==KBUP)
printf("You had hit the upper arrow key");
else if (c1==KBDOWN)
printf("You had hit the DOWN arrow key");
else if (c1==KBLEFT)
printf("You had hit the LEFT arrow key");
else if(c1==KBRIGHT)
printf("You had hit the RIGHT arrow key");
printf("You had hit some other key");

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