7 dogs have got 7 puppies each.Each puppy got 7 kittens as
friends.They are all members of a club along with me.What is
the strength of the club?

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7 dogs have got 7 puppies each.Each puppy got 7 kittens as friends.They are all members of a club a..

Answer / kapil sharma

7dogs+ 49 puppies+343 kittens+1thatperson who has ask the
question =400

Is This Answer Correct ?    80 Yes 7 No

7 dogs have got 7 puppies each.Each puppy got 7 kittens as friends.They are all members of a club a..

Answer / rekha

7 dogs
each dog have 7 puppies
7*7=49 puppies
each puppie have 7 kittens as friend
7dogs+49 puppies+343 kittens +1 person who asked the

Is This Answer Correct ?    58 Yes 1 No

7 dogs have got 7 puppies each.Each puppy got 7 kittens as friends.They are all members of a club a..

Answer / a.balajee rao

7 dogs

7d *7p each=49 puppies

49*7=343 kittens

now 343 kittens + 7 dogs + da person who asked the question

Is This Answer Correct ?    51 Yes 3 No

7 dogs have got 7 puppies each.Each puppy got 7 kittens as friends.They are all members of a club a..

Answer / kalyani


Is This Answer Correct ?    26 Yes 20 No

7 dogs have got 7 puppies each.Each puppy got 7 kittens as friends.They are all members of a club a..

Answer / prashant jain


Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 1 No

7 dogs have got 7 puppies each.Each puppy got 7 kittens as friends.They are all members of a club a..

Answer / paul

no. of dogs = 7
no. of puppies = 7 * 7 = 49
no. of kittens = 49 * 7 = 343
me = 1


answer is = 7 + 49 + 343 + 1 = 400

This is most correct answer!!

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

7 dogs have got 7 puppies each.Each puppy got 7 kittens as friends.They are all members of a club a..

Answer / brinda

Totally no. of dogs = 7
7 dog * 7 puppies = 49
49 puppies * 7kittens = 343
And the man = 1
Totally = 400

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

7 dogs have got 7 puppies each.Each puppy got 7 kittens as friends.They are all members of a club a..

Answer / sudeep

answer will be

7(dogs)+49(7*7 puppies)+343(49 puppies*7 kittens)+1(me)=400

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

7 dogs have got 7 puppies each.Each puppy got 7 kittens as friends.They are all members of a club a..

Answer / santhosh kumar

7 dogs has 7 puppies each
so 7*7=49 puppies
each puppies has 7 kittens has friends
so 49*7=343
total members

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

7 dogs have got 7 puppies each.Each puppy got 7 kittens as friends.They are all members of a club a..

Answer / noah paul

344 is the correct answer.
if you read the question carefully, everyone will answer
the question.

7 dogs, each dog has 7 puppies = 49

7 puppies, each puppy has 7 Kittens= 49
including a person in the club= 1
49 X 7 +1= 344

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 3 No

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