How do run the JCL which has 25 steps by skipping the
following steps 5, 10,15 and 25 without using COND statement

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How do run the JCL which has 25 steps by skipping the following steps 5, 10,15 and 25 without using..

Answer / manohar reddy

using IEBEDIT utility we can run the jcl.

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How do run the JCL which has 25 steps by skipping the following steps 5, 10,15 and 25 without using..

Answer / singh

Very simple first make a backup and delete steps 5,10,15 and 25 and than run.

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How do run the JCL which has 25 steps by skipping the following steps 5, 10,15 and 25 without using..

Answer / narayana reddy

by using IEHPROG we can run the jcl.

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How do run the JCL which has 25 steps by skipping the following steps 5, 10,15 and 25 without using..

Answer / sukhvinder

it can be done by the maximum utility

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How do run the JCL which has 25 steps by skipping the following steps 5, 10,15 and 25 without using..

Answer / vinay

it can done by using the sort utility

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