what is the Exact Meaning of Environment Variables?

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what is the Exact Meaning of Environment Variables?..

Answer / manas

When ever we r planning to use the scripts in different
environment then , where developing them itself we need to
declare all the comonly used variables in many tests and
the veriables may not to be updated whenever the
environment is changed separatelyin an environment file.
Then one need to attach that environment file to the
required test and use those variables inside these tests.
so that in future any changes new to be made accordingly to
the environment . one can just do those changes in
environment file. so that all the script can be confortable
used in that environment.

these r two types of environment veriable

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

what is the Exact Meaning of Environment Variables?..

Answer / md.rafi

Environment Variables are Global variables which scope
doesn't changes throughtout test execution,regardless of
the number of iterations,unless you change the values of
the variable programatically in your script.It use variable
values from other sources during the run session.These may
be values you supply or values that Quick Test generates
for you based on conditions and options you choose.
There are three types of Environment Variables.
2.User-Defined Internal
3.Used-Defined External

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 3 No

what is the Exact Meaning of Environment Variables?..

Answer / kalyan

EV are related to un & Pwd & URL of the application under
test.We can write this in the notepad and save in EV folder
with .ini extension in the Frame Work.(NOTE:-we have to
use[]to write EV)

When Ever Required using below code we can load this in the
environment.loadfromfile "path.ini"

Any doubts---------mail to-----mskalyan.smile@gmail.com

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

what is the Exact Meaning of Environment Variables?..

Answer / anil

by using environment variables we can avoid the hard coded
values in script. and we can pass single value in the
script. they are 2 types
1. bultin
in real time we can use external environment variables only

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 2 No

what is the Exact Meaning of Environment Variables?..

Answer / deeps

Environment Variables enables you to use the variable
values from other sources during the run session.
the variable values can be specified by the users or QTP
can specify depending upon the conditions and options u

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 14 No

what is the Exact Meaning of Environment Variables?..

Answer / sekhar

Hai Sriram,

Environment variable means, when we define these
variables we can call these variables in within the text
out side of the text,in QTP once we define the variable
againg we can't reuse those variable, but Enviroment
variable we can use as our require ment.

these variable may define into 3 ways
i) user define internall
ii) External
iii) Built in

user define internall mean we can call these variables
with in the text.

External variales means we can call within the text and
out side of the text, we can do modifcation also means we
rename it.

built in variable means we can call internall and external
purpose but we can't do any modification, readonly purpose.

i think u got it.

bye ......Sekhar(sekharbirada@gmail.com)

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 6 No

what is the Exact Meaning of Environment Variables?..

Answer / sixbert

they are variables that you can change according to your
necessities related to what kind of utilities you want to
run on your system then give the location where the system
will follows to find it,if not satisfied write back your
question again

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what is the Exact Meaning of Environment Variables?..

Answer / venkateshwarlu

these variables are using in automation scripts which are
to be executed in different environments, so that these
variables are called as environment variable.

as testing part we neet to execute the test scripts in
different environments like unit, system, alpha, production
testings. where the information of all these environment
is different. so we use these variables to store the
information to execute the script successfully in different

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what is the Exact Meaning of Environment Variables?..

Answer / shanu

ev are two types
Built in variable these are predefined helps to know
inbuilt properties like operating system ,hostname,server etc

userdrfined: this helps to send data externally to the QTP

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what is the Exact Meaning of Environment Variables?..

Answer / chinna

Environment variable means we can use any action if any

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 13 No

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