how to resolve sb37,sd37 se37 abends

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how to resolve sb37,sd37 se37 abends..

Answer / swathiiii

There abends occur due to Space problem.
So by allocating more space these can be resolved.

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how to resolve sb37,sd37 se37 abends..

Answer / ashok kumar

sb37 is mainly accursed for low primary memory so we have to
increasing our pry memory

se37 is mainly accursed for low secondary memory . so we
have to increasing our secondary memory
sd37 is mainly occurred for secondary and also primary
memory is low we have to increasing our memory

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how to resolve sb37,sd37 se37 abends..

Answer / karthikeyan

This is rarely the solution. Space abends may happen due to
looping and lot of spool space also may be consumed. We
need to check the logic of the source code for any possible
looping. If the exec is involving any tools like SORT or
4GL languages, increasing the space will help.

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