how do we solve soc 7 and soc4 ?

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how do we solve soc 7 and soc4 ?..

Answer / pradeep

SOC7 is a data exceptional error, means we load any junk
data into one field of a record.
we can resolve by these steps,
1.compile and run the program,in the spool we can find the
offset value for the job. note that offset value and run the
same job again with compiler option as LIST.
2.see the spool for the offset value where it is
located,means exactly in which numerical operation that
abbend occured.EG: total = salary + commision.
3.after the example statement we found the SOC7 error.
so, we knew that we found SOC7 there.
4.finally place the DISPLAY statement in the respective
paragraph we can found exactly where the updation is
failed.Means on stopped record there may be a junk value in
the record.

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how do we solve soc 7 and soc4 ?..

Answer / sujith

There can be many methods to solve SOC7
1)by using XPEDITER
2)Going behind the reasons causing Soc7 in working -
storage. (we can offset the wrong data and compile and
later correct it)
3)the most preferable one is to get the value of offset in
compile list,getting this offset then find this offset's
corresponding value in your pgm.It will take you straight
to the line causing SOC7.

SOC 4 may be due to less space than what is needed by the
program. This is also called Storage violation error - can
be due to various
reasons. e.g.: READING a file that is not open, invalid
address referenced due to subscript error.

Using Display statements points or after lines you suspect
can show where the error occurs.

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how do we solve soc 7 and soc4 ?..

Answer / praveen

soc 7
compile with list option.
soc 4

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