What is the difference between these two parameters?
-> accounting information
-> class

how would it bring the differrence to a program?

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What is the difference between these two parameters? -> accounting information -> class h..

Answer / y@$w@nth

Accounting Information means it specify that from which
department the job was submitted
for eg: the jobs can be submitted from purchae department or
from sales departent....so on... according to that we can
identify whose job it is and which department this job was

CLASS --> CLASS parameter tells the class of your job that
means some jobs may take heavy time and some jobs take less
time depending on the complexity of the program and
resources that those are using. By using class parameter we
are telling to the Operating system that the type of job
that we r submitting....

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What is the difference between these two parameters? -> accounting information -> class h..

Answer / sharmila

hey, the information given above for the accounting information is correct, but m little doubtful about the class explaination.. so still little skeptical about the answer. can anybody please help me undrstnd the terms better.

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What is the difference between these two parameters? -> accounting information -> class h..

Answer / mohan.chepuri

a/c info is used to billing purpose
class is used to which job is execute first

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What is the difference between these two parameters? -> accounting information -> class h..

Answer / guest

Accounting Information means it specify the Account number
which will be charged for mainframe usage.
Class is used to tell the type of the job like production
job or test job likewise.

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