How do you arrive at the estimaton of efforts for a
particular function, if you have not worked on that
function testing before and do not have any past experience?

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How do you arrive at the estimaton of efforts for a particular function, if you have not worked on..

Answer / shabana

The question is about estimation & not about the testing

In can be drived based on following :
1.Based on the Functional Spec given
2.A rough estimation can be made based on the development
estimation given.(This is not preferred option but it helps)
3.It can also be based on the different integration points
with the AUT.
4.I guess a tester should be able to give an approx
estimation based on requirement analysis,funtional specs

Correct me if i am wrong.
Its truly good interview question.

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How do you arrive at the estimaton of efforts for a particular function, if you have not worked on..

Answer / honey

Actually estimation can be done with different techniques
and one of the technique would be WBS(Work breakdown
In this technique, we would
1. break down the funcitonalities into lower level
2. Identify the number of scenarios for each function
3. Prioritize them based on the complexity
4. Assign the time taken taken for High, Medium, Low
complex scenarios
5. Effort Estimates = Multiply the time taken with the
number of identified scenarios + 30% contigency

This is the answer I gave at the interview but the
interviewer was not satisfied and he was questioning

"What is the factor that you take into consideration for
estimating the time taken for the prioritized scenarios?"

Can anyone of you help me out with an answer?

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How do you arrive at the estimaton of efforts for a particular function, if you have not worked on..

Answer / vk

All the above factors are valid ... In addition to that the
factors that one can consider for the development time
estimation are
- The number of Senior or Junior developers available with
in the development team. And based on the past projects
experience one can easily find out the average time taken by
each developer on the type of tasks assigned. So, now the
more complex tasks can be assigned to the developers who
have the minimum average time taken record. In this way one
can plan to finish all the development tasks at one time.

Please correct me If am not correct.

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How do you arrive at the estimaton of efforts for a particular function, if you have not worked on..

Answer / sarath

Actually we should not estimate for such things and should
take help of some one or explore similar feature or see the
mock screens to arrive at estimation

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How do you arrive at the estimaton of efforts for a particular function, if you have not worked on..

Answer / saket bharti

In this case we will use the data from previous project
whose nature and complexity of work are almost similar to
the new application.We shall give the estimates using those
data with a deviation margin of +-5%. This is the best
possible and accurate estimate which one can give in this
scenario.To be more accurate use the Work Breakdown
Structure to get the estimates on the lowest level of
activity and sum them all to give the final estimate.

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How do you arrive at the estimaton of efforts for a particular function, if you have not worked on..

Answer / barsa

In this case we always start with +ve values (test the functionality by giving +ve values)then we go for -ve values.
2.There is no assumption should be made for requirement .
3.Testing is over when test engg feels maximum test coverage is done,i.e all +ve and -ve values are tested.

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How do you arrive at the estimaton of efforts for a particular function, if you have not worked on..

Answer / amit

I think the Answer would be.

-Testing should be done on knowledge base and logic based.

I think its the Adhoc Testing.

Correct me if i am wrong.

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