If PRS is given to you on say XYZ functionality then which
different types of testing you will perform .
Please arrange these types in sequential manner in which
you will perform?
Answer / vibhu
If PRS stands for Product Requirement Specification.
Consider an "Application Form" of "Birth Certificate" and req XYZ is = DATE OF Birth Field - How I might have responded is:-
Smoke testing TC-
we have the build Once we click on "Fill Birth Certification Form" link , the Form should be displayed and should carry all the fields/Points (say 20 points) such as Form Number, application number, first/last/middle name, Father's name , address(town, city, distt. , state, country etc.), contact number etc.. just the GUI to check all points are there.
Sanity testing approach-
-Form has DOB UI with correct marking / point number(say Point 5 should have DOB Field). and its graphical location/orientation on the page.
Functional testing TC-
-verify if it has blank space OR drop down as per REQ.
-Consider it drop down.
- should have >>
-DD should carry 01-31 dates
-MM- JAN till DEC
-YYYY-Starting from the current year (2013) till last few hundreds (as per REQ , say till 1900 or beyond)
-will try positive testing first
- enter a valid date(less than SYS date) and proceed further - there should not be any error regards to DOB field.
- now -ve scenarios
leave blank and submit- correct error and UI reperesentation for corresponding field.
- choose date as 30 and month as Feb - submit - shouldn't proceed - show correct error with message
-for 29 feb to choose leap year
- enter date as more than SYS date - shudnt proceed - correct message to be displayed - date of birth cant be futuristic.
- there can be various other scenarios. lets move on to
-3 of the fields as - DD-MM-YYYY as per country (Indian Standard)
Integration TC- once all fields are filled - go the some other module and cross check with details for user - correct date should be displayed
SYSTEm Integration TC-
use a date so as to result in age of user as more than to be applicable for DL or voter card registration(say 17,18,19 years age)
go to apply for DL or Voter card Reg page - check if the user is applicable or denied.
check for both -ve and +ve
I doubt if the interviewer will need to hear anymore , by this time he/she wud stop u and ask another question.
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