what is agile testing

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what is agile testing..

Answer / imthiyaz.shaik

It is Agile methodology not agile testing.

Agile methodology is one of the latest SDLC like Waterfall,
V, spiral, Incremental, Prototype.....

In Agile methodology, the software is delivered in patches
in very short time, like every patch is delivered in 90
days time.

The testing starts parallely with the development of the
first patch and the first patch with complete development
and testing is delivered in first cycle that is 90 days

When the development of the second patch starts, regression
suite is run on the first patch to make sure that what was
woking earlier is also working now.

In Agile methodology,the teams work as 'Scrum' team.
The advantage of 'Scrum' team is every Design team will
have a one member from Dev and test team, similarly every
dev team will have a member from Design and test team,
Every Test team will have a member from Design and dev team.

The advantage of this is:-
If the dev team has any query, it need not wait for the
design team to respond as their team has a member from
the 'Design' team.

if the Test team has any query it need not wait for the dev
team to respond as their team has a member from the 'Dev'
team, so lot of time is saved.

Advantages of Agile methodology:-
Agile methodology drastically reduces testing cycle time as
the testing is done parallel to the development activities.

The Product/Application is delivered in very short time.

Automation is must for Agile methodology as without
automation it is not possible to run complete regression
pack on all the patches.

Imthiyaz. Shaik

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what is agile testing..

Answer / amaravathy

hey imthiyaz can you go more briefly and how to respond it in interview point of view.

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