Suppose i have 2 steps in my pgm. Step1- creates a file,
Step2 - generates report from file in step1, What changes
have to be made in Step2, so that if the file in Step1 is
empty Step2 should not be executed? No changes to be made to

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Suppose i have 2 steps in my pgm. Step1- creates a file, Step2 - generates report from file in step..

Answer / reddy

After step1,before step2 , create another step , say stepA.

in step a , cheCk for the file in step1 is empty or not
using the IDCAMS utility


if the file is empty , stepa will return 0 else it
reuns 4. If your file consists of the header and trailer
give count(3).

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Suppose i have 2 steps in my pgm. Step1- creates a file, Step2 - generates report from file in step..

Answer / sreedhar naidu dhekodna

In the above Question there are no details about how the
file is getting created say, whether they are creating a
file using a program which may or may not populate data
into the file or using some IBM utilities for the sake of
only creation of file.

Consider the first Case: If file is getting created in a
step where the program may or maynot populate the file,

Then we can use IDCAMS or INSYNC or FILEAID or some
other utilities to check the emptiness of a file.

If it is the other case: Using file creation utilities only
for the sake of creation then only we can use cond

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Suppose i have 2 steps in my pgm. Step1- creates a file, Step2 - generates report from file in step..

Answer / vinay sonar

If file is empty you will get return code 4.
So put always true confition COND=(4,EQ) in step2.

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Suppose i have 2 steps in my pgm. Step1- creates a file, Step2 - generates report from file in step..

Answer / reader

when we are creating the file in step-1 then obviuosly the
file will be empty only..then why we need to check the
condition and skip the step..directly we can put COND=
(4,Lt) parameter and we can skip the step-2...

correct me if im wrong...

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