whar is the difference bwn LINK() and XCTL()?

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whar is the difference bwn LINK() and XCTL()?..

Answer / tej

Correction for XCTL :

XCTL transfers control to a subprogram at the same logical
level(not higher level as mentioned in the above answer) and
it does not expect the control to return to the main program.

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whar is the difference bwn LINK() and XCTL()?..

Answer / tony prabu

Actually in the above answer it's mentioned that for XCTL
the control never get back that's right but the control
goes to CICS itself

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whar is the difference bwn LINK() and XCTL()?..

Answer / qasim@omtech

for XCTL ,
the control never get back that's right but the control
goes to CICS itself

This is an explanation to the above answer.

XCTL:-Copy of the data is passed to the called program. it
means data changed by called program will not reflect in
calling program.

Since it do not expect the control to return to calling
program, as soon as the calling program issues a XCTL
command, calling program will be released from memory and
called program will load into memory.

Link:-Data is passed to the called program. it means data
changed by called program will reflect in calling program.

It expect the control to return to calling program, called
program will not release from memory.

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whar is the difference bwn LINK() and XCTL()?..

Answer / lu

Link is passing control to another program and it get back
program-A : a)Perform Link-program-B
b) move xx to yy.
After executing perform , it returns to b...

XCTL is passing control to another program, and it NEVER
get back.
program-A : a) Perform XCTL-program-B...

This is a basic rule when you write CICS pseudo-

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 2 No

whar is the difference bwn LINK() and XCTL()?..

Answer / rajesh reddy

The link() command is used to pass ctrl from an application
progrm at one logical to another application at the next
lower logical level.The calling program expects control to
be returned.

The xctl() command is used to pass control from one
application to another application program at the same
logical level .The calling program does not expect contol
to be returned.

In both cases data can be passed through a special purpose
register COMMAREA.

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whar is the difference bwn LINK() and XCTL()?..

Answer / harsha

This is in addition to the above answers.

XCTL:-Copy of the data is passed to the called program. it
means data changed by called program will not reflect in
calling program.

Since it do not expect the control to return to calling
program, as soon as the calling program issues a XCTL
command, calling program will be released from memory and
called program will load into memory.

Link:-Data is passed to the called program. it means data
changed by called program will reflect in calling program.

It expect the control to return to calling program, called
program will not release from memory.

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whar is the difference bwn LINK() and XCTL()?..

Answer / g.kalyani

XCTL() is used to control the pass to the higher level
programand doesnt return back to the previous program.

LINK() is used to send the contol to lower level
programs .And it will returns to back to the program from
where it has come.

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 16 No

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