i have 100 manual test cases, how to automate from no 1.
ols detail steps

i have 100 manual test cases, how to automate from no 1. ols detail steps..

Answer / abhishek

The steps to automate the test cases are dependent on the
application being automated.And even before you think of
automation you need to answer to the below two questions.

1. What technology was used to automate the application?
2. What is the testing requirements, Budget?

If you decide to go ahead with QTP for automation, below
are few generic steps that you might want to consider.

1. List all the objects/fields that you would be
automating, decide the names that you want to give those
2. Segrigate these objects into Data objects and non-data
3. Plan your reusables, Functions, etc.
4. Plan your data sheet
5. Create the object repository.
6. Prepare your datasheet
7. develop reuable actions.
8. create driver script.
9. review & test code.
- You'll be all set now...


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