what is the Diff. between Access Specifiers and Access

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what is the Diff. between Access Specifiers and Access Modifiers?..

Answer / venkat

Access Specifiers :

public,private,protected and default.

Access Modifiers :

abstract,native,transient,final,static,volatile and

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what is the Diff. between Access Specifiers and Access Modifiers?..

Answer / sujit kumar nishank

Access specifier :- it is used in java when we declare a method,viarable or class then it specify how it access to other classes .
. it is of 4 types
public(access everywhere like any classes and any package and inherited)
private(access itself with in the package and it is not inherited)
protected(access any classes with in the same package and it is inherited)
defaults(it same as protected but not inherited )

access modifier

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what is the Diff. between Access Specifiers and Access Modifiers?..

Answer / jiggi

Class Modifiers / Member Modifiers

Modifiers :
public protected private
abstract static final synchronized native strictfp

The access modifiers are public, protected and private

The modifier (non Access modifiers) abstract static final synchronized native strictfp

Modifiers are also called as Specifiers

Ref :Java language Specification 8

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what is the Diff. between Access Specifiers and Access Modifiers?..

Answer / sunil

Acess specifers gives acess privelages to outside
application ot to others. they are public protected,

Acess Modifers gives additional meaning to data ,methods
clasees like final, abstract

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what is the Diff. between Access Specifiers and Access Modifiers?..

Answer / arun

In old laguages like c,c++ we have public,private,protected and default are considered as "Access specifiers" but all remaining considered as "Access modifiers".

But in case of Java there is no such type of difference .all are(public,private,protected,default,final,abstract,strictfp,native,synchronized,transcient,volatile and static) considered as "Access modifiers"

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what is the Diff. between Access Specifiers and Access Modifiers?..

Answer / deepthi

for the access specifiers we use one at time i.e,public int a;
bt for the access modifiers we can use two at a time i.e, static final int a;

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what is the Diff. between Access Specifiers and Access Modifiers?..

Answer / vijay

Access Specifiers :

1. Private
2. Public
3. Default
4. Protected

Non - Access Specifiers (Access Modifiers):

1. Abstract
2. Final
3. Native
4. Static
5. Synchronized
6. Transient
7. Volatile
8. Strictfp

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what is the Diff. between Access Specifiers and Access Modifiers?..

Answer / indrabahadur singh

Access specifiers ::

The access specifier determines how accessible the field is
to code in other classes. Access ranges from totally
accessible to totally inaccessible. You can optionally
declare a field with an access specifier keyword: public,
private, or protected.

Access Modifiers ::

You can optionally declare a field with a modifier keyword:
final or volatile and/or static and/or transient.

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what is the Diff. between Access Specifiers and Access Modifiers?..

Answer / prema

Access Specifier: It controls the access of class members
and variables by other objects.
Types of access specifiers in Java:
friendly or package or default

Access Modifiers: Modifiers determine or define how the data
members and methods are used in other classes and objects.
Modifiers in Java:

The main difference between access specifiers and modifiers
is that access specifiers define the accessibility of the
data members in a class and modifiers determine how these
methods are used and modified by other classes

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what is the Diff. between Access Specifiers and Access Modifiers?..

Answer / ejp

Still wrong. Don't you people read the thread? There is no
such thing as an access specifier in Java.

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